Capture the Flag pt. 2

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The first round: 1-A vs 1-B. The game was about to start. Each team was in place and ready to begin. They were given only a few minutes to discuss their attack plan, and so Surebu stepped forwards.

"I have an idea," she stated confidence in her voice. She stood tall and was hoping that maybe, just maybe she'd have the floor.

"You keep your mouth shut! You will stay out of this! I don't want to see you even try," Bakugo growled out. Surebu looked around and noticed that no one was willing to argue with what Bakugo had said. None of them really trusted her yet and weren't sure of what she would make them do or what she was willing to do in the first place. Seeing this, she glared.

"Fine. I won't participate," they all felt themselves relax as she said this. "But I have a point to prove to papa, so if they get our- sorry. I mean YOUR flag, I won't hesitate to kick anyone who gets in my way," she warned before walking to the side of the field and leaning on the wall. A little ways above her was Shinsou and Aizawa, her family, watching the class intently.

"What is she doing?" Shinsou asked angry at her lack of enthusiasm. He was looking forward to facing off with 1-A and if Surebu wasn't going to participate then that would never happen.

"What they tell her," Aizawa mumbled disappointed. Shinsou looked up at the dark haired male with wide eyes. "They don't want her help, so she won't."

"But if she doesn't do anything they'll be disqualified," Shinsou informed in distress. At this Aizawa smiled.

"You should know this by know Shinsou. She has her ways," Aizawa began to walk away seeing a camera man and a reporter coming towards them. Shinsou saw them as well, but was way too intrigued in what was about to happen to walk away. Just before Aizawa was completely out of ear shot he spoke. "Keep an eye on her, because she will be who you fight if you win the next round. Study her like she studies everyone else."

The buzzer went off informing the two teams that the game had started and both classes instantly clashed. Kirishima and Tetsue were throwing punch after punch at each other. Midoriya was running up to get to the opponents flag pole, but was stopped by Shoizaki and Honenuki. An odd pair up indeed. Bakugo on the other hand, he instantly went after Monama and his cocky smirk. Others were trapped in battle or trying their hardest to defend their flag. All but Surebu.

To those who don't know Surebu, it looked like she wasn't trying. That she wasn't doing anything, but to people like Shinsou and Aizawa, she was working harder than anyone else out there. Her eyes were shifting back and forth. Studying each and every person that came into view. Even those in her class.

"Excuse me young sir," Shinsou looked up at the reporter at being addressed. "May I ask you a few questions?" Shinsou looked at the lady blankly with a suddenly very bored expression. He looked back down at Surebu and realised he still had some time before he needed to pay attention to her fighting style. He looked back at the reporter and shrugged. He knew he'd regret this. "What's your name?"

"Shinsou of first year General studies," he informed cutting down the amount of questions she'd need to ask him. The reporter nodded.

"Is there anything you can tell us about the current match?"

Shinsou looked down and noticed how Kiroiro now had the class 1-A flag and he smirked. He looked down, but couldn't find his non-biological sister.

"CLASS B HAS THE FLAG AND ARE ALREADY MOVING TO THE CHECK POINT!" Present Mic screamed informing every one of the latest development.

"For now," Shinsou whispered looking back to the reporter. "I can tell you that things are about to get very, very interesting," he smirked. The reporter was about to ask another question, but Shinsou turned to the field to look for the head of dark hair.

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