The game that never started

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A/N: Felt like adding music for this one. Think of Surebu as the 'lemon boy' and and the song in Ojiro or Shinsou's pov.... Tbh tho the songs useless to the chapter. Anyway enjoy.

The three sat at the coffee table silently as Mina dealt out the cards one by one. Ojiro was smiling kindly as he counted each card that was placed in front of him. Surebu looked at each of them intently, confused by how she had ended up in this situation in the first place.

Finally seven cards were dealt out and each one picked them up. Ojiro's smile widened as he saw the blue +2 and wild card in his hand. Mina frowned seeing only a single green reverse. All the while, Surebu blankly stared at the +4, red skip and blue reverse.

The game started off with a blue 2, Ojiro's start. He placed down a 5 of the same colour leaving him with six cards now. Surebu was next and casually put down a green 5 on top of he pile. This made Mina's face light up since most of her cards were green. She slapped down a 0 knowing how hard it was to change the colour when a 0 was placed.

Ojiro let out a sigh getting rid of his only green card. Green 3. Surebu yawned placing down her +4 making Mina's mouth open wide as she grumbled about the sudden switch in this girl. Slowly she grabbed the extra four cards. Now she had ten in her pink hands.

"Colour is red," Surebu announced looking to Ojiro. He nodded looking down at his cards. No red...

He sighed putting down his wild card. "I'd rather blue honestly," he stated right back looking at Surebu. She smiled sweetly causing Ojiro to go wide eyed.

"Thank you," she stated putting down a blue 2. Mina grumbled under her breath and put down a blue 7. Ojiro continued, worried about what Surebu had planned. He mentally decided not to use the +2 just in case she had already planned for that. So down went the blue 1. Surebu smiled once again putting down her blue reverse. Ojiro's turn once again, only this time he had only one blue card left. He looked up at Mina, already feeling bad.

"I'm sorry Mina," he mumbled putting down the blue card. "Pick up two," he sighed out looking down. Mina groaned glaring at the cards as she picked up two more. All the while Surebu kept her evil smile in place.

She put down a blue 9 casually as she turned her face back into one of a blank expression. "Uno," she announced causing both Mina and Ojiro to look at her confused.

"Where did her cards go?" Mina asked beyond confused.

"When did you say you learnt how to play?" Ojiro asked actually curious about how good she was. Surebu looked up as if in thought and gave out a little hum.

"Toga taught me to play the night I disappeared. She refused to play with me the day after, so I asked the others. Now they all refuse to play card games with me," she explained looking to the blond. "I'm good at reading people's expressions and body language so it gives me a good idea as to what they have. I'm also a really quick thinker so I have tactics easily as well," she explained before looking at the blond expectantly. "Your turn."

Ojiro shook himself back to reality as he looked at his hand. He had two yellow cards. He needed blue, or a colour change. He let out a sigh before looking at Surebu. She looked at him, then the deck of cards they picked up from. She knew.

He picked up the card. Yes. A blue 4. He slapped that down with a smile on his face. He looked back up at Surebu to see her watching Mina expectantly.

Mina looked at her cards. The only ones that would work right now would be a blue 3, 8 or her skip. She looked at Surebu and smiled slapping down the skip. "REVENGE!" She shouted. Then she saw Surebu's smile as she looked back at Ojiro.

He picked up again only to get another yellow card and sighed. Mina smiled putting down a blue 3 happy she was able to put down cards now. The two looked over to Surebu as she slowly picked up a card. Blue +2. She put it down and heard Ojiro groan.

"Uno," her voice quietly spoke as she looked down at her last card. She needed to think of something faster for once in her life. She looked at Ojiro right in the eyes and saw the yellow of his cards. She knew he had two yellow, but now she could see red and blue too. She just hoped it was what she wanted it to be. Without even meaning to, she'd held her breath.

Surebu held in her breath as she looked at Ojiro. He knew she didn't have a blue, so making her pick up seemed like the best option right now. He sighed looked over to Mina. He could see she was willing to do anything to change the game so she could win. He wanted to do the same. He had to do it.

Blue skip.

He looked at Surebu once more to see her sigh of relief. She was so thankful she had a bit of luck right now and put down her red skip.

"I've been trying to get rid of that the entire game," she mumbled smiling. Both Mina and Ojiro paused seeing what just happened.

She won. She beat them both and only started playing a little while ago. Was she really this good? Was this just dumb luck? No. This had to be why the villains refused to play with her now. She was just that good at Uno.

"Honestly I'm surprised you both agreed to play with a villain," Surebu mumbled getting up. Ojiro sighed again for what seemed like the hundredth time just for this game.

"You aren't a villain Surebu. You might be seen as one right now, but we both now you aren't," Ojiro spoke loud and clear before walking to the stairs to go to his room. "I mean seriously, you come here just to get away from the villains, and we treat you terribly." He walked out after that making sure everyone heard. He knew he couldn't change their opinion on her, but he can make it obvious that he isn't the same.

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