Capture the flag pt.6

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The buzzer had gone off to alert the last three teams that the final round has now started. With that in mind, Surebu's plan was set into action. Four groups set out to their position. Each one with an important roll to play.

One group was to go collect the flag from 3-A who had won the last round.

One group was to do the same for class 2-B.

Another group was to defend the flag poll.

The last group... Well that was Surebu's little suprise.

The first group consisted of three of the classes strongest. Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki. Those three along with Momo and Uraraka were to face off with the strongest year group in the school. 3-A.

Group two had Surebu herself. Her, Jirou, Kaminari, Kirishima and Tokoyami headed for the one class they knew nothing about.

Koda, Mineta, Aoyama, Sero and Sato stood guard by the flag poll, waiting to defend it with all they had. They made group three.

The final group had the last remaining members. Mina, Tsuyu, Higakure, Shoji, Ojiro and Iida. Where they were, not even Present Mic knew as he screamed out what each person did. He couldn't even see those six.

Group one had instantly run into trouble as the big three of U.A showed up and got ready to fight. Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki stayed behind to fight them as Momo and Uraraka moved forwards to try and capture the flag.

As they moved forward, they came across the other class members all individually. They struggled, but they still tried their hardest to keep attention on themselves. They knew their goal and kept it in mind.

Group three was working on their defences. Sero had put to work, making a shield of web like tape surrounding them so even if someone got past they'd be thrown off. The webbing was so thick that they could barely see outside of it.

Group two ran forward, sparing little to no time fighting others off and aiming for their target. They had easily noticed how almost the entire class was running away from their flag. It was almost like none of them wanted to defend it, and Surebu knew exactly why.

They were almost to the flag when a cloud of smoke came into view. Surebu signalled the group to slow down and they all slowly came to a stop in front of this cloud. Jirou looked at her with a look of determination.

"What now? We wonder blindly through it?" Her question was left unanswered as they were attacked. The boy seemed to be from class 2, but he seemed more interested with forcing them INTO the smoke rather then get them away from the flag. This confused most within the group.

"Thank you for the confirmation sir," Surebu suddenly spoke grabbing him by the front of his shirt and throwing him into the mist. There was a silence among the group before a horrible scream was heard from inside the mist. "Nightmare haze. Breath it in and you'll see illusions of your worst nightmares."

"How do you even know this?" Tsuyu asked with a small ribit. Surebu smiled over at her with sad eyes.

"Because I trained myself to be infected by this exact quirk..." She mumbled with a sigh. The group fell silent at her words, the sounds of screaming becoming more and more clear. She turned to the group with clouded eyes. "I'm going in, I need you guys to continue the plan. Jirou I need you to collect the flag from me once I'm out and run!"

"Why me? If you can't be effected than-"

"THERE'S NO TIME FOR ARGUING!" She yelled cutting off the other and turning to glare at her. "For this to work we have a limited amount of time! Everyone else is playing their part and so do you! You need to be the one to do it Jirou..." She stated before turning away, sliding her mask up and hood on and running into the smoke, holding her breath the best she could. She knew she had a limited amount of time and holding her breath even for a bit would expand it.

She moved slowly, careful where she stepped. The smoke made it harder to see even the smallest lengths. She could only assume following the path would take her where she needed to go. This group seemed overly confident about their plan. Due to the smoke there would only be one person defending it. This meant they believed they'd win without any trouble.

She followed the path, feeling herself start to go light headed as she forced herself to hold out a bit longer without breathing. She looked around in hopes to find SOMETHING to go off of. Just as she saw the gleam of the flag poll, something hit her stomach so hard she doubled over, sucking air back into her lungs desperately.

She looked up, easily spotting the clocked figure standing over her. "Look at what we have here~ thought you could get the flag without breathing the smoke in? Clever, but sadly, not clever enough~" the girl chuckled turning around and walking over to the flag poll. She soon returned with the flag and waved it in front of Surebu. "You want it~"

The girl was teasing her, knowing the nightmares would soon kick in. Surebu glared up at the girl, grabbing her wrist and dragging her down. Once the girl was at her side she slid off her mask and her voice lowered to a whisper. "You can't scare someone from living their nightmares if their life WAS a nightmare," she grabbed the flag, ripping it from this girls hand and pushed her away as she got back to her feet and began to run.

She ran as fast as she could knowing where she was going, than it happened. A large figure stood before her, he stared her down with a grin.

"Such a beautiful quirk, mind if we borrow it?"

The question bounced in her mind as her eyes widened. Her mind forced back to then. She'd just escaped the dept she owed the villains and was escaping for U.A.... when he stood over her....

"NOT AGAIN!" she screamed turning around only to be met with the figure of a small girl, hair pure white and red eyes staring up at her.

"Where were you? You said you'd save me-" her voice shook as she sobbed out her words. Surebu felt her heart drop as she lost all strength in her body and dropped to the ground.

"I'm so sorry.... The fire, I couldn't get to you in time-"

"But you had enough time to escape and struggle against that hero?" Surebu felt her body shaking as tears left her eyes. "What kind of big sister would break a promise like that?"

At those words Surebu froze. She slowly looked up at the girl, eyes softening. She began to slow her breathing, a small smile hitting her lips. "You aren't real. I never told her she was my sister. She never knew.... You're an illusion built off of my fears and guilt."

Surebu slowly stood up and began heading to the others once more, taking her time in her steps, making sure to ignore any more of those illusions.

Once light hit her eyes again she smiled holding out the flag. The group looked at her in shock seeing her tear stained smiling face. Jirou took the flag without question, refusing to break eye contact.

"Get it to the check point guys..." She croaked out, voice giving in. The group hesitated at her words, not sure what to do.

Kirishima stepped forward grabbing Surebu's arm and slinging it over his shoulder. "I've got her. Get the flag to the check point!"

At his words the others nodded, running off to get the flag to its destination.

Surebu's plan begins to unfold. Do you think it'll be enough for 1-A to win?

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