Pressure points

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It hadn't been very long since the Uno game between Surebu, Mina and Ojiro. It was the last time any of them saw her too.

This Wednesday marked the third day since she last showed up. Even Bakugo had noticed and was getting anxious about it. Sure he hated her, but she was with the villains. If she didn't have spare time anymore, they were planning something. That was all he could think.

It seemed like a calm afternoon in the dorms, then it happened. The news was always lovely wasn't it? Especially when it told this story.

"Hero Killer returned?"

"Just earlier today a pro hero was found in his own home, stabbed and murdered. After careful investigation it was proven that his entire body was shut down through his nervous system just before the murder. No one knows exactly how this was done, and authorities have announced to the pro-hero's to be careful of this villain," the news anchor announced with a slight hint of worry in his voice.

At these words, everyone had been silenced in one go. They watched the screen as new information about all of this was placed in front of them. A new hero Killer was out there, and seemed more terrifying than the last.

There was a loud sigh from on the lounge next to Uraraka that made everyone turn and watch as Surebu rolled her head back in irritation. Suddenly fear hit home. "This is all I her about now. 'that was such an easy kill. Why can't it be me they talk about?' God Shiggy, get a life," she rambled.

"So this wasn't the League of Villains?" Ojiro suddenly asked coming up next to her. Surebu looked at him with a bored expression and turned back to the news report.

"Not my Shiggy who did it. Though I do know how to work pressure points," she admitted causing everyone to grow worried. "Pressure points like that are very tricky. One that instantly shuts down the human body?" She let out a dark chuckle. She wasn't at all happy, and it was easy to tell through her laugh. "Sounds to me like the killer was going for and instant kill and they slipped. Since you can't do an instant kill with pressure points right after putting them into a commatosed state, they'd have to kill them another way, given the stab wound," she finished explaining before looking at Ojiro. "Sounds like a noob to me. That or very nervous."

"Wait what makes you say all this?" Kirishima cut in frantically. There was a pause as they all watched Surebu's head turn slowly to the red head.

In her eyes an image flashed of an old man charging at her full speed. No weapons. No need. This was a fist fight and was more dangerous than any other.

"Because I'm a Surebu. These things are obvious for a Surebu like me," she stated turning away. She sure hoped no one noticed her thoughts wondering like that. She was really hoping to forget that. In fact she wanted to forget everything except for the teachers and staff at U.A and Shinsou. Those were the only people she'd let herself remember.

"Do you know who did it?" Midoriya asked hoping to maybe put a stop to another hero Killer before it got too out of hand. Surebu let out a hum in thought.

"Can't tell you Midoriya, but chances are we were trained by the same master," she concluded getting up from the seat and making her way to the door.

"You had a master?" Bakugo suddenly shouted out across the room. At this Surebu turned to him with a smile.

"Well someone had to teach me how to kill right?" With that spoken she moved over to the door and left without another word.

"I told you she was a villain, but did any of you believe me?" Bakugo growled out looking over to the TV. At this everyone groaned. Even Kirishima had enough of the blond and got up to leave with the rest of the baku-squad to find something better to do.

Soon enough, Bakugo was the only one left in the room. Sitting there on the lounge. Alone to watch the rest of the news.

Surebu sighed walking into the villain base. She paused to take a quick look around. Shigaraki didn't seem to be there, but Toga had started a game of twister with a couple of the other members it seemed as she was grinning evilly. Surebu let go of a small smile at the sight before walking over to Kurogiri.

"Where's Shiggy?" Her voice was emotionless as she looked at the living purple flame. Kurogiri paused in his movements to look at the dark haired girl.

"He's gone out. Said he needed to clear his head," he explained in a kind manner. Surebu could literally feel the smile in his voice radiating off of him and had to force herself to turn away.

"Or looking for the next person he wants me to kill," she mumbled darkly looking down at her hands. The skin tone changed into a splatter of red staining the pail colour before changing back.

Kurogiri watched the girl as she did this. He knew she hadn't wanted to kill a person from the very beginning and all she was doing was paying back a debt. That was why he wanted Shigaraki to take this seriously. If he keeps messing around and refusing to use her for his true purpose, she won't need to follow his order's anymore when he finally does.

"RIGHT FOOT BLUE!" Toga suddenly shouted pulling both Surebu and Kurogiri out of their thoughts. They both looked up to watch as Twice attempted to move his right foot around the tangle of bodies to a blue circle. He hadn't gotten very far as they all toppled over into a heep of tangled human bodies.

There was nothing but groaning and Toga's yelling as the group managed to get back up off the ground. Soon enough they all agreed to never play again and that was final.

"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE THEN‽" Toga shouted pointing to the mat and the spinning wheel. At this, Surebu grew a smile.

"I've got an idea."

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