Little Sister

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Iida gave a small yawn as he trudged down the stairs, feet dragging slightly as he went. He was usually the first one up these days... at least he believed he was.

As he made it to the common room, the pungent sent of fresh pancakes, eggs, and bacon made it to his nose. His eyes widened as he willed his body to wake up instantly. He looked over to the kitchen to see a small trail of smoke to waft through the air from the room. He began to make his way over, wondering what was going on. Had someone woken up early today?

As he moved closer, he could hear the sizzling of the food as it was being prepared. He hadn't needed to question who it was at the stove, however. He knew that voice, anywhere as the sweet melody was hummed into the air. A small smile escaped him as he leaned on the counter separating the main room and the kitchen, watching as Surebu was cooking some eggs, sunny side up, as well as a separate pan for scrambled then another for the bacon. He watched as she focused solely on the food, careful not to burn anything, yet swayed along with the song she was humming, smiling to herself.

He'd never actually seen her cook himself. He knew she'd helped out in the kitchen for the students, but he'd had no idea how much she seemed to enjoy the task.

He closed his eyes, giving a small stretch as he moved into the kitchen. At this point, Surebu hadn't noticed him yet. It was nice to know she felt safe enough around the dorms that she could let her guard down in such a way. Still, it was probably best he let her know his presence, or she could get jumpy and cautious again like she was when she first got here.

"Good morning, Surebu." He announced, noting how the girl squeeked, spinning on her heal to look at him. Once she'd realised it was just Iida, however, she relaxed, sighing in relief and moved back to the food, almost instantly exchanging a greeting almost immediately.

Iida blinked, taking in what just happened, but not quite willing to question out of fear of pushing his luck with this interaction. He looked down at the table, seeing the same setup of all sorts of foods sprawled over the table as was usually set up by their mysterious breakfast cook.

A section for pancakes, cream, jam, and syrup set aside for peoples personal preferences. Next to that was the toast, placed with a variety of different spreads, butter being placed directly between the pancakes and toast so you can have easy access to both. Then, the large section of eggs, scrambled, sunny side up, boiled, poached. It was surprising how many different kinds of eggs there were to pick from. Then, there was some bacon already cooked and put aside. There were some sausages and steaketts for a selection of other meats. To pair with them was fried mushrooms, grilled onions, and so on. This woman went all out on food for this morning.

"If none of that suits your taste, I also have a selection of cereal and milk is on the counter. I needed it for the eggs." Iida raised a brow at that last bit of information, looking up at Surebu with question. He wasn't sure what she'd meant by that, and it confused him.

"Milk? For the eggs?" He asked, the confusion clear in his tone. He watched as Surebu looked over her shoulder, a slight smile on her face, and just knew she enjoyed this question.

"If you mix the milk in with the scrambled eggs, it makes them a tad bit fluffier and so much nicer. It also makes the amount of eggs needed lower, and I think that's a bonus. Sometimes you can add cheese too, and it gives a nice texture to it," she explained before moving over to the table, pan of scrambled eggs in hand. She slowly scraped it off onto a new plate. Iida noted how these eggs looked a bit closer to white rather than the yellow of the other plate and could only assume she'd made one with milk and one without.

He nodded his approval, knowing she was covering all bases and taste requirements of everyone in the class. He thought it was sweet almost, how she was so willing to put in the extra effort just to make sure everyone was happy. She must have been working on this for a while just to guarantee everything would be ready.

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