Become a Mute

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Aizawa yawned and rubbed his eyes. He had such a busy night with those villains and his still expected to teach these kids? He sighed looking out at those looking at him. He still needed to interagate that girl he'd caught after this. He wasn't looking forward to that one bit. She obviously wasn't willing to tell him anything. She made that clear last night.

He looked down to his hand, a bite mark was scard and bruised on it. She wasn't very willing. In his mind he went over what happened.

He stood face to face with some members of the League of Villains. He got some information about a weapon they had and were working on it, but all he saw was a young girl in a black singlet and filthy sweatpants standing with that damned hand-man and his caretaker.

"How did he find out?" Shigaraki asked obviously upset. Aizawa smiled at his anger. That was the reaction he was hoping for.

"But his quirk is useless now," Kurogiri stated causing Shigaraki to laugh.

"That is true," he commented back. Suddenly Aizawa got a feeling of dread. He looked between the three in front of him. They seemed confident with  on her face. He'd never seen her before. She was covered in bruises and small cuts. Her long black hair was sticking out all over. Some even covered a bit of her face. She seemed important, but he was only judging by the way the other two were guarding her.

Kurogiri turned to the girl. "Be ready, because this is where you show us that saving you wasn't a mistake," the girl nodded and suddenly her face changed. She was staring Aizawa down. As if to show she wasn't afraid. Just as suddenly Shigaraki jumped at him, fists flying. Aizawa easily dodged, but then Kurogiri jumped in. They weren't using their quirks, that meant Aizawa couldn't stop them with his.

They continued like that for a bit, and it was safe to say Aizawa was winning, but he'd forgot the girl. She stood there that whole time, watching and studying his movements. Learning how he faught, and how to stop him.

Just as Aizawa thought he'd won by catching Shigaraki, Kurogiri yelled, not for his comrad, but for something else. "Surebu!" Aizawa looked to the voice curious as to what he meant, but was greated by a blade being waved in front of his face. He moved back, eyes following the arm to see the face of a killer. That girl! Her eyes, that smile, she was ready to kill she had changed from a normal girl, into a sychopath in less time then it took for Aizawa to blink.

Activating his quirk, Aizawa looked at the girl, but her speed, strangth and agility seemed unaffected. She wasn't using a qurik. She was a naturally skilled fighter. In her left hand was a knife, she had no form of weapon in her right hand. She was out for blood.

Hit after hit, Aizawa tried desperately to dodge them all, but she was so fast, he could barely keep up. Something seemed to make sense to Aizawa at that moment. This was her plan. He was used to hand in hand combat, but juggling her as well as his captive was proving to be too complicated. He had to keep her at bay and use his capture weapon for Shigaraki at the same time, so he was on the defensive not offensive. She knew all this, and used it to her advantage. There was only two things Aizawa could do.

One: drop Shigaraki and get the girl.

Two: keep this up until someone came to help.

He couldn't keep going for much longer, she'd tire him out, but he couldn't just let go of a member of the League of Villains.
Thinking quick he kicked the girls left leg. She stumbled with the knife, waving it around.

"Surebu! You idiot!" Shigaraki spat at Aizawa squirming in his hold for the first time since he'd been caught. Kurogiri lept to the girls side. "You better not have hurt her!" Then it hit Aizawa like a train. The girl was his only option.
The way those two reacted to a minor thing like that. She was why they were here in the first place. This secret weapon involved her somehow. He needs to get her.

"Are you okay Surebu?" Kurogiri asked panicking. Surebu, as they'd called her, just brushed the other off and glared at Aizawa.

"Mine!" She yelled pointing the knife at him. Kurogiri only backed away and Shigaraki froze. She was furious with what Aizawa did, it showed on her face. In a split second she was back to hitting. Aizawa thought out his next move quickly, and executed it just as fast.

He threw Shigaraki with his capture weapon and Surebu watched him fly. Within seconds he had removed her knife from her hand and grabbed her instead. He held her in his arms as if hugging her from behind, but her arms were caught. Once he had her subdued he ran from the other two before they could figure out what had happened. She began to yell giving Aizawa away no matter where he was, so he used one hand to cover her mouth silencing her. He continued to run and used his capture weapon to go faster as he bagan to swing though the city.

He landed on a roof far enough away from the two villains. He was tired and ready for a nap, but he still needed to get her somewhere safe. Speaking of, she was kicking like her life depended on it.

"Stop moving, you're making this difficult," Aizawa stated more than asked. Just as he finished those words she got her mouth slightly loose from his grasp, but it was just enough for her to sink her teeth into his skin. Aizawa yelled out in pain and moved away from her mouth.

"That's the point Shota Aizawa," hearing his name Aizawa froze up coming back he used his capturing weapon to wrap her up then made her face him.

"Where'd you learn that name?" He was set on figuring this out, but all she did was smile and slowly stick her tongue out at him. Aizawa glared then decied to call Nezu about this.

By the end of the call it was decided that Aizawa had to take her to U.A. to be held and questioned. Even though that was the plan, she didn't say another word to Aizawa, or Nezu who joined in the questioning. She'd become a mute.

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