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I'm thinking of adding random music to some chapters just so you have sum to listen to. Opinions?

Surebu groaned sitting up from her laying position. She wasn't sure what had happened, but her head hurt without a probable cause. She quickly glanced around the room, noticing Monama and the others easily. It was obvious she was in Recovery girls office. The bit that surprised her however, was how the Deku squad appeared to be sitting around her bed, as if keeping a look out.

Surebu's eyebrows came together and she squinted in thought, trying desperately to remember what had happened. It's been a while since the last time she'd had trouble with remembering something upon waking up. Had her quirk been over used? There had to be a good enough reason.

She turned to her side, seeing Uraraka talking with Tsu and cleared her throat. The brunette jumped at the noise and looked over at her. The room fell silent as their eyes locked and everyone caught on.

"You're awake!" Kendo yelled from across the room. Surebu rolled her eyes in response starting to sit up. Uraraka and Tsu were gently pushing on her shoulders to keep her down while Iida was telling her not to strain her body.

"What in the name of Stains religious shoelace happened?" Surebu asked silencing everyone. It definitely wasn't anything they expected to hear. It took them all completely off guard, Monama was choking on some water on the bed just to the side of her. It just happened Surebu took this as her chance and forced her body into a seated position.

Uraraka moved quickly, grabbing her arm and pulling it back down. "Surebu, we're not sure what happened to you. You should stay down until we know you're okay!" She yelled desperately trying to keep Surebu in bed.

Said girl only rolled her eyes. "It was the effect of that girls quirk. It's worn off and I'm fine now," she grumbled refusing to lay back down. However this did nothing to calm the others. She glanced over at Recovery Girl who'd watched the entire interaction. "You ran any tests?"

The woman shook her head not having had enough time to check on much. Surebu sighed in relief at that and got up quickly, shaking away the nauseated feeling.

"I'm fine, see?" She smiled holding out her arms hoping to make them feel a little better, even while wobbling on her feet. Uraraka instantly moved to catch Surebu as she watched her feet come out from under her. Midorya stepped in front of her with a stern look, as if daring her to try and walk away.

"Surebu, I'd still suggest you stay in bed for a while just to be safe," Recovery girl sighed making her way across the room. Surebu groaned as she sat back on the bed, Uraraka guiding her along. She shuffled around so that she was back to laying down and watched as recovery girl stepped up to the bed with a stethoscope. "Some privacy please?"

Those in the room slowly move out of the way or averted their eyes as Iida pulled the curtain shut. The group stood silently on the other side of the pail fabric, all feeling concerned for their friend.

Monama sat at the end of his bed, a face of fear as now tohe listened to Recovery girl as she instructed Surebu.

"Shirt up. Okay deep breaths. Good. Breath in, now breath out."

That continued for a moment. Surebu being told to breath in and out. Recovery girl sounded very pleased with the results and the smile in her voice made everyone feel that little bit calmer, but than her breathe hitches and her lungs caved. Suddenly Surebu was doubled over, coughing.

Recovery girl stepped back, a look of shock over her features as she watched the young girl in front of her struggle to breathe. Everyone in the room was now looking to the curtain, concern washing over their features once more.

There was a pause in the atmosphere. No one was willing to move as silence finally over came the room. Recovery girl stood there with wide eyes, feeling herself be overwhelmed with horror. There, right in front of her was a poor girl, blood covered sheets as the red dripped from her lips. Her eyes faced up at the older of the two as if pleading to keep silent.

Recovery girl took in a slow breath as she reached out for the younger of the two. "Surebu?"

"Please? No...." The voice was quiet but firm as to the request. However Recovery girl couldn't comply. She let out a small sigh as she grabbed the girl by the arm. Surebu knew what this meant and knew she had two options. Fight or flight.

With that in mind she ripped her hand free, throwing back the covers and took off, ripping the curtain as she made her way to the door and out of the room. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as Iida and midorya picked up speed, chasing the girl through the halls.

Others in the room seemed to grow confused as they looked from the door, to Recovery girl, to the now blood stained bed.

"She's not okay?" Tetsue suddenly asked as he launched himself out of the room and headed towards the halls. He knew there was no way shed stop to listen to anyone, but maybe if someone stopped to listen to her instead?

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