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Surebu was lead into the small place. There was a small bar on one side and tables lining the other. Everyone in the room turned to look at who opened the door.

"Look what we got!" Shigaraki announced pushing the girl in. She happened to trip and stumble from the suprise. Toga took this time to bounce over, her blond messy hair jumped along with her. She bent down so Surebu could see her face.

"Who might you be?" She asked with a crazed grin.

"She's our new weapon," Kirogiri answered walking to the bar. Dabi laughed looking at the girl on the floor wearing some old rags and wrists chained together.

"Not very impressive," he mumbled taking a swig of his drink. Shigaraki laughed at this grabbing the girls chains and dragging her up to her feet.

"I want to see what you can do," he chuckled as if he was holding a bit of candy. Kirogiri cleared his throat causing Shigaraki's joy to die. "Just a little test. She won't even leave the room," he whined. Kirogiri gave him a stern look before nodding.

"If we lose her you're to blame," he mumbled out. Shigaraki started to cackle. He brought the girl to his face to intimidate. But this was a Surebu. These things no longer fazed her.

"Have fun," he said letting his quirk disintegrate the chains. Surebu looked at her hands for a moment. She wasn't gaged or chained. She was free to a degree. "That loud mouth over there," Surebu snapped back to reality remembering she was here to serve. Shigaraki was pointing at Dabi. "Since he's not impressed, why don't you impress him?" Surebu nodded having her orders.

Dabi looked at the girl as she slowly stalked over. Her head was down, shading her eyes. Her fists were clenched and feet dragged along the ground in a bloody mess. The second he saw this he spat out all the content in his mouth. It was like one of those scenes in a horror movie where the killer was seeking up on the next victim.

"Okay that's terrifying," he stated hoping she'd stop, but she just kept moving forwards. "You can stop now. I'm impressed with your acting," he growled. Still, she moved towards him. "Seriously. Stop!" He commanded. At this order Surebu froze about a metre away. Dabi chuckled at this. "That was good, but I don't see how that can be used against the hero's," Dabi laughed once again getting something to drink.

"Like this," Shigaraki smiled clicking his fingers. Dabi looked back at the girl just in time to see her yellow eyes as she jumped at him.

Surebu jumped out of her bed in a cold sweat. The sheets clinging to any exposed skin as she panted. Her left hand reached up to clutch over her heart. She quickly looked around then let out a sigh.

"Just a nightmare," she told herself calming her breathing. Quietly she moved the blankets off of her and walked over to the door. She grabbed the door knob and jiggled it lightly. Locked. Aizawa already locked the door for the night.

Surebu groaned needing to escape these walls. She had to walk around for a bit. Gritting her teeth she used her finger nails to pick at the lock. It took a few tries and she'd gotten a small cut on her one of her fingers, but she managed. The girl smiled in victory.

Once she opened the door she looked out into the hall and quickly scanned to see if anyone was up. Seeing no one she began to walk through the halls and down the stairs. She just wanted some air, that was it. She managed to get down the stairs to the common room and went to the kitchen. Quietly, she grabbed a glass and filled it with water. She began to quietly drink it hoping to clear her mind of her dream, but it was not that easy. It never was.

She finished the glass of water and let out a small sigh. Looking around she noticed that no one had done any cleaning in the kitchen that night. Everyone ran off when they knew she was headed up to the dorms. It was that detail that seemed to sting the most.

Surebu shook the sad thoughts away. She had to stay as positive as possible. She had to show that she wasn't just a ticking time bomb. That's when she decided that years of cleaning other people's messes was a good thing.

Silently she went through the draws in the kitchen for the cleaning supplies she needed to get this done, because if she had anything to say about it, this place was going to be so clean she'd be able to lick the floor without risk of getting sick.

Two and a half hours later and she was just finishing up with scrubbing the floor clean. She'd done everything. The kitchen, lounge area and the dining area. It was all clean beyond belief. All she had to do now was dispose of the evidince and get back to her room so Aizawa doesn't know she was out of her room over night.

She was going to get to her room quietly, but going upstairs was never her strong suite. One second she's about to go to her room again, the next she's on the perfectly clean floor.

"Are you okay?" A deep voice called as the sound of slippers on wood echoed in Surebu's head. She was going to respond, but then she realised that she didn't even know who was there, and she needed to make a clean get away. Without even looking back she stood and began to stumble up the steps to get to her room.

She heard the person yelling after her. She could hear them following up the steps. She only managed to run faster. It hurt and she could feel cuts from past memories ripping open. it hurt and stung and just caused more problems for her, but still, she managed to get to her room before being caught and locking the door quickly.

Hearing foot steps in the halls, Surebu knew that she was caught. The sound of a door opening reached her ears as they twitched to attention. Momo had gone to check on what was going on, Surebu had guessed.

"Iida?" Momo's soft voice whispered. "What are you doing here?" She sounded confused, but also irritated. The sound of someone, probably Iida, moving around became present.

"Momo? I was following Surebu," he explained plainly. Momo began to scuff her feet around, proving that she was nerves. "She was downstairs cleaning up after us and fell over trying to get away before anyone woke up," he finished. It suddenly became quiet through the hall.

"Is she okay?" Momo finally broke the silence.

"I don't know. She ran off the second she knew I was there," Iida answered. He sounded confused. The sound of feet dragging along the floor slightly became present as someone moved closer to Surebu's door. Knowing what was coming she reacted by running over to her bed, but no one knocked. Surebu looked to the door confused.

The sound of keys jingling came into being as a realisation came to the girl. Aizawa had come to pick her up!

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