Part 8

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"I will, Gulf. I'll take you away from everything," Bright promised, hugging him. He was sure something had happened but would ask about it later. Bright was at his office when a burner number called him, telling Bright that Gulf was in hospital.

Bright arranged for Gulf's belongings to be packed but was instructed by Gulf to take only important documents. They left Thailand shortly after.

"Let's go, Gulf," Bright said, guiding him to his private jet. The next day, Gulf told Bright everything that had happened, leaving Bright furious. He wanted to confront Ja but was stopped by Gulf, who insisted he no longer wanted anything to do with Ja.


A few days later, Ja returned from his 'business trip' and called out for Gulf, holding a bouquet of purple freesia.

"Babe...I'm home," Ja said, looking around for Gulf.

"P, where are you? I called you yesterday, but you didn't answer. I missed you so much," Ja placed the flowers on the sofa, but there was no immediate response from Gulf.

Ja looked around the house; it was untouched. He tried calling Gulf but received no answer. Texts and voicemails went unanswered. Frustrated, he tried calling Bright and noticed a note on the dining table.

"We are done - Gulf"

Confused, Ja asked Bright where his boyfriend was.

"Boyfriend? What boyfriend? Gulf or First?" Bright's smirk was evident.

"What are you talking about? Where is Gulf?" Ja demanded, his frustration rising.

"I don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. Maybe Gulf left you so you can be with your boyfriend," Bright said before ending the call.

Ja tried to call Bright again and again but it went unanswered. He tried to call Gulf again but still the same.

"No, we can't break up" Ja quickly took his key and went to places that he thought Gulf would be.

"Aarghhh! Where are you?!" Ja threw his things for the tenth time. He tugged his hair, frustrated by his inability to reach Gulf all day. Ja had searched everywhere for Gulf but had eventually returned to his own home.

"What do you think you're doing in my house?!" The door burst open, revealing a man in a suit with a menacing aura.

"Dad," Ja turned around to see his father, arms crossed and one eyebrow raised.

"What are you thinking? Messing around in my house?" Ja's father advanced toward him.

"I broke up with P'Gulf," Ja confessed. His father quickly asked what Ja had done wrong. He knew Gulf was pure and was certain that the fault lay entirely with Ja.

"I...I cheated on him with First," Ja admitted, closing his eyes and trying to calm himself. Suddenly, his father slapped him hard across the right cheek.

"You did what?! That man is an angel, and you cheated on him?!" His father was enraged by his son's behavior. Ja was suprised to see his father's reaction so he blurted out everything.

"Dad! He's a teacher at a small school! I need someone who's on my level! First is the only child and the only heir of his family's business. And Gulf is older than me. Do you know how hard it is when someone is older and keeps reminding me that he's P and not to call him 'baby'? I want someone I can spoil, like a baby! First is my first love from school, I will never forget him! You don't understand, Dad. Okay, I admit I love First, but I still like Gulf a lot," Ja tried to explain, hoping his father would understand.

"If that makes you feel less guilty, then fine. But remember this: Gulf is the one who stayed by you when you decided to start from zero. He supported you until you became successful. One day, you'll realize you've lost an angel. Don't come to me when that happens," Ja's father said before turning and leaving. Ja was stunned by his father's words. He buried his face in his hands, feeling overwhelmed. Determined to find solace, he went to First's apartment.


Bright found Gulf sitting on the balcony. Bright decided to bring Gulf to Canada. Although he had hoped for Gulf and Ja's relationship to work out, he had harbored doubts since Ja had forgotten their anniversary two years ago. Gulf, always the sunshine, had never truly been angry towards Ja. Bright had suggested being more assertive with Ja, but Gulf didn't want to be a burden.

"Gulf, I know you haven't eaten, but at least drink this milk," Bright said, seeing that Gulf hadn't eaten in two days. Bright had witnessed Gulf being kicked out, but this was the worst he'd ever seen him.

Gulf nodded weakly. He spoke only a few words, which Bright understood. Bright mentioned he would postpone his meeting to stay with Gulf.

"Isn't this the meeting you've been waiting for years?" Gulf asked, surprising Bright. Bright hesitated but eventually nodded.

"Please don't abandon your work for me. If you don't go, I'll feel even more guilty," Gulf said. Bright tried to argue but knew he couldn't win.

The next day, Bright left for his important meeting. Gulf deliberately threw his phone away to avoid contact, especially from someone he didn't want to hear from. Feeling on the verge of tears, Gulf decided to go for a walk to clear his mind.

During his walk, Gulf suddenly felt lightheaded. He had not eaten or drunk anything since yesterday and nearly collapsed.

"Gulf? Is that you?" Someone called Gulf from behind.

Before Gulf could turned around, he fall, but thankfully someone caught him. He tried to see the person but lost consciousness.



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