Part 15

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A/N: This chapter focuses on Kao's background, continuing the flashback from last chapter.


Kao was drinking coffee when his assistant arrived with files for him to sign. A few days after his breakup, Kao decided to work his way up from the bottom in his family's company. Five years had passed, and Kao had been promoted to director, a position approved by all employees due to his diligence and humility.

"Have you found any information about the child I asked you about?" Kao inquired. After all these years, he finally had the power to find the boy but it has been five years.

"Unfortunately, no. The area you mentioned has no CCTV and no witnesses, so there are no clues about the boy’s identity, sir," the assistant explained. Kao sighed and dismissed his assistant.

Kao glanced at the bracelet on his wrist. For five years, he had never removed it. Initially, he thought it was just a regular bracelet, but over time, he came to believe it brought him good luck. He regretted not asking the boy’s name that day, but he had been too overwhelmed with emotion.


Kao smiled as he watched the children at the orphanage. His parents had died a few months ago from illness, which deeply affected Kao’s mental state. With no one else to love or be loved by, he remembered the boy’s smile and decided he might need someone in his life to care for. He visited the orphanage, though he was reluctant to adopt a young child due to his doubts about his own capabilities.

Kao noticed an older child sitting under a tree. His assistant explained that the child was 10 years old, had been quiet since his mother’s death, and his father had left him here. The caretakers mentioned that the child had become rebellious and intimidated the other children, often seeking attention.

"Hi," Kao greeted the boy, who merely nodded and looked away. Kao sat next to him, giving him space. After a few minutes, the boy pointed at Kao’s bracelet. Kao smiled.

"Would you like to see it?" Kao asked. The boy nodded, showing some interest for the first time. Kao hesitated but decided to remove the bracelet and hand it to the child. The boy’s face lit up as he looked at the bracelet as if it were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Sir, there’s a call for you," the assistant said, handing Kao the phone. As Kao spoke, he heard a commotion behind him and turned to see the boy throwing the bracelet into a fire.

"No!" Kao rushed to extinguish the flames and retrieved the slightly burned bracelet. Tears welled up in his eyes as he held the bracelet, which had been a source of comfort during his grieving period.

"I’m sorry," the boy said, shocked by Kao’s reaction. Seeing Kao cry while holding the damaged bracelet made the boy realize he had hurt someone important, reminding him of his own pain from being abandoned.

Kao, initially angry, was taken aback by the boy’s tears. Understanding that the boy must also be suffering and in need of love and attention, Kao embraced him, comforting him. From that moment on, Kao decided to adopt the boy as his own.


Kao was cooking when Ja, his son who had just turned 18 and was now as tall as Kao, approached with a smile.

"What’s wrong?" Kao asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Por, how do you know if you like someone?" Ja asked shyly.

"Who is this person?" Kao asked, turning his full attention to his son.

"His name is First. I saw him once and fell in love, Por!" Ja excitedly recounted how he met First, his first love. Kao smiled, happy to see his son in love.


Ja threw his bag on the sofa, looking distressed. Kao asked what was wrong.

"It’s this senior. He’s been so annoying! Texting me, sending me chocolates and flowers, making me lunchboxes! It made First think he’s my boyfriend, and now First won’t reply to my texts," the 19-year-old complained.

Kao ruffled Ja’s hair and advised him to be clear if he wasn’t interested in the senior. Ja said he would address it with the senior.


During dinner, Ja told Kao he wanted to introduce his boyfriend to him.

"Finally, you confessed to First. I’m proud of you," Kao said with a smile.

"Actually, it’s not First. It’s the senior I told you about, Por," Ja said awkwardly, surprising Kao.

"Oh, but I thought you said he was annoying," Kao said, continuing to eat.

"Well, after I scolded him, he left me alone for a whole week, and I missed him. I started to see how cute he was, and naturally, we became boyfriends. Tomorrow is our first anniversary, and I wanted to introduce him to you," Ja said excitedly. Kao felt something was off but pushed the thought aside, happy for his son.


When Kao went downstairs at Ja’s call, he stopped short upon seeing Ja’s boyfriend. The boy looked so beautiful and too familiar to him.

"Por, this is P'Gulf, my boyfriend," Ja introduced. Gulf bowed to Kao, and when he looked up, he smiled brightly making Kao stumbled.

After all these years, Kao could never forgot those bright smile. It's still the same, even prettier than before.


A/N: Double update so I can rest tomorrow. The next chapter will continue from Kao’s perspective after meeting Gulf.

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