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"a major villain has launched another devastating attack - terrorists have infiltrated and are now sweeping through the area. hero candidates must continue their ongoing rescue operations while simultaneously engaging and suppressing the newly arrived villains,"

mera's urgent announcement echoed in beni's mind as she processed the escalating situation.

with renewed determination, the girl pressed forward, forcefully making her way through the throng of 'villains' that had followed the formidable number 10 hero, gang orca, into the expansive arena.

hero candidates must expected to juggle multiple critical tasks at once...

suddenly, a fist came hurling towards beni's face with alarming speed.

she instinctively recoiled, narrowly avoiding the blow, before swiftly countering with a lunge aimed at her attacker's forearm.

her heart raced as adrenaline coursed through her veins.

multitasking in such a high-pressure environment...

as her teeth sank deep into her opponent's flesh, an excruciating pain shot through her mouth. she could practically feel each individual stitch in her gums straining, threatening to unravel one by one.

the agony was nearly unbearable, but she refused to relent.

then thank fuck i'm not trying to be a hero!

with a violent jerk of her head, beni tore her teeth free from the man's arm, deliberately ignoring his anguished cry.

blood trickled down her chin as she roughly shoved her wounded opponent to the ground, her eyes already scanning for her next move.

without hesitation, she lunged forward, deftly manoeuvring past todoroki, who lay paralysed on the ground - a victim of gang orca's potent hybrid quirk.

her form skidded beneath the swirling vortex of wind and fire that todoroki and the collar-wearing shiketsu student had ingeniously created.

"i-ikeya!" a voice called out in surprise, but beni paid it no heed.

from her new vantage point, the girl found herself directly behind the imposing pro hero - gang orca's broad back was exposed, presenting an unexpected opportunity.

sea hybrids rely heavily on moisture, and he's already losing a significant amount thanks to todoroki and that shiketsu guy's combined efforts...

acting on pure instinct, beni launched herself onto the hero's muscular back - her forearm snaked around his thick neck as she immediately engaged her quirk, pushing her abilities to their limit.

the moment of contact brought an intense sensation - pulsating waves of gang orca's paralysing quirk began to course through beni's body - she gritted her teeth, fighting against the numbness.

summoning every ounce of her strength, her voice cracked as she defiantly yelled, "you can paralyse my body all you want- but it's my blood that's doing all the work!"

beneath her trembling hands, beni could feel the hero's vital moisture rapidly dissipating. she channeled her quirk, combining it with her own seeping blood, forcing the precious moisture away from their entangled bodies and into the surrounding air.

the ring of flames encircling them grew increasingly intense with each passing second, the heat becoming almost unbearable.

in her peripheral vision, beni caught a glimpse of a familiar green spark.

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