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cw : brief mention of throwing up in the first few paras - not described, just the mention of it, skip to where it starts with "i strongly advise you to pay close attention-"

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟

"go ahead and come in,"

to be entirely honest, beni wasn't paying much attention to whatever aizawa had been saying - her mind was elsewhere, only vaguely registering that midoriya had returned from his house arrest before she took her seat and attempted to go back to sleep.

the events from three days prior continued to haunt her - unlike her classmates who were still in joy from obtaining their provisional licenses, beni had spent the time struggling with a persistent nausea, finding it difficult to keep any food down.

she was aware that her classmates had likely noticed something amiss - throughout the morning, she'd caught their concerned glances at the uneaten toast in her hands. 

thankfully, a hastily excuse about forgetting her pencil case in her dorm room had allowed her to get rid of the food without further suspicion.

"i've invited some individuals who have first-hand experience to explain the program to you," 

in her current state, the only form of sustenance the girl had managed to retain were energy drinks and the occasional protein shake, which she'd managed to pilfer from midoriya with his permission. 

other than that, though, her stomach grumbling had been a constant part of the cacophony of sounds that made up her day.

"i strongly advise you to pay close attention-"

as if she were a sleeper agent, beni's attention snapped back to the present at the sound of her homeroom teacher's stern voice. 

it was only then that she noticed the presence of three unfamiliar figures who had entered the classroom at some point.

"-as they elucidate the distinctions between work studies and internships,"

as her gaze fell upon the trio, her hand immediately reached for her phone, fingers flying across the screen as she hurriedly searched for appropriate pick-up lines.

"these three individuals are third-year students at ua,"

i wonder if they'd be open to the idea of an age gap

"they are ranked at the very pinnacle of our student body,"

well, that's not the only thing i'd want them to top...

"you may have heard of them referred to as the big three,"

as soon as aizawa finished speaking, the classroom erupted into a flurry of hushed whispers and excited murmurs.

"they don't seem all that interesting to me," beni overheard kaminari muttering nearby, "except for the girl - she's hot."

without hesitation, her hand shot out, grasping a nearby eraser that had been creatively carved into a penis and with practiced aim, she launched it at the back of the blond's head, eliciting a sharp turn and a glare from the boy.

'mine,' beni mouthed silently, summoning her most intimidating expression.

"let's start with the introductions," aizawa instructed, stepping back to allow the three third-years to take centre stage, "we'll begin with amajiki,"

suddenly, the dark-haired boy with distinctively pointed ears fixed the entire class with an intense stare that could only be described as a death glare - and beni could have sworn she saw the whites of his eyes turn red as blood vessels visibly pulsed.

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