chapter 23 - At last forever

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3rd POV

Tweek: "What?"

Craig: "You heard me. I'm in love with you. I have been for a while now. I tried to ignore it, bury it, pretend it wasn't there, but... I can’t anymore. I need you to know. I want you to know."

Tweek: "😐 😑 😐"

Craig waited anxiously for Tweek's reaction, bracing himself for a rejection. But when all he got was that unresponsive expression, he felt his heart sink.

Craig: "Tweek...? Say something, please."

Tweek: "I'm just gonna give you a few seconds to remember what happened last night Craig."

Craig: "Last night... Right...I..."

He took a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts. He had promised Tweek that nothing would happen, and now he was professing his love.

Craig: "Listen, I know what I said. And I'm sorry about last night. But I just...I needed to tell you how I feel, no matter what."

Craig stepped forward, closing the distance between them. He reached out to touch Tweek's face. He was trying to comfort him.

Craig: "Please, Tweek, look at me. Talk to me. I know this might be too much, too soon, but... I had to say it. It doesn't change things between us if you don't feel the same. I just need you to know the truth."

As Tweek was about to say something, Nathan came towards them and put a hand on his shoulder and then said to him.

Nathan: "Tweek, are you done picking all the arrows up?"

Tweek then looks at Nathan and then looks at craig and back at Nathan

Tweek: "Yeah... I'm done.."

Craig watched the interaction between Tweek and Nathan, frustration and disappointment gnawing at him. He had been so close to getting through to Tweek, and now... now it felt like they had been interrupted. Again.

Craig: "Can you give us a minute, Nathan?"

Nathan then looks at craig and then back at tweek and then sighs as he took his hand off tweek's shoulder

Nathan: "Take your time."

And then he walks away

As Nathan walked away, Craig turned back to Tweek, desperate to salvage the moment.

Craig: "Tweek, please. Just talk to me. Let me explain. I... I know this is sudden, I know I said things would remain the same, but..."

He reached out again, gently cupping Tweek's face in his hands, his voice pleading.

Tweek: "I don't know what to feel, Craig...first you broke my heart two times last night, and now you think you can fix it by saying you love me?.."

Craig recoiled, his heart sinking at Tweek's words. Hearing the pain in his voice was like a knife to the chest.

Craig: "I... I know I messed up. I never wanted to hurt you, Tweek. I never wanted to break your heart. I just don't know... I don't know what to do or what to say, but..."

He took a deep breath, his hands trembling a little as they still held Tweek's face.

Craig's voice was soft, his eyes pleading.

Craig: "I know this is confusing. I know I've been sending mixed signals. But please...please believe me when I say that I love you. I know it doesn't erase what happened last night, but... I can't keep pretending anymore. I love you, Tweek. I never stopped."

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