chapter 30 - Munch

21 1 38

3rd POV

It was late at night when Craig finally returned to his chambers after a long and tiring night. The castle was eerily quiet, only the soft sound of his footsteps breaking the silence.

He quietly closed the door behind him, leaning against it. The events of the night swirled in his head - the social gathering, the fake smiles, the weight of his responsibilities.

Craig rubbed his face with a weary sigh, sinking into a chair. The solitude of his room was a small respite from the public persona he had to maintain.

He closed his eyes, his mind drifting off to thoughts of Tweek. He missed him, missed the warmth of his presence, the carefree laughs they shared. Their love was a secret they had to keep, hidden from the world. The thought of not being able to openly show affection was a constant pain.

The silence of the room only served to highlight the void left by Tweek's absence. The space beside him in the bed seemed to yawn with emptiness. He found himself missing the rhythm of Tweek's soft breaths, the sound of his occasional soft mumbles in sleep.

He rose from the chair and approached the window, his gaze drawn to the night sky. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the vast kingdom. A cool breeze wafted through the opened window, bringing with it a sense of peace.

He stood there for a few minutes, his thoughts a whirl, before finally breaking the silence.

Craig: "The night is peaceful, but it's lonelier without you."

As he spoke, he could almost imagine Tweek's voice replying to him. The quiet of the room became a silent dialogue, his words hanging in the air, a silent confession of his loneliness.

Craig let out a deep sigh, the weariness of the night settling in his bones. He stood there for a moment longer, letting the cool breeze caress his face before heading towards the bed.

He settled under the covers, the soft cotton sheets feeling cold and foreign. He adjusted the pillows, trying to find a comfortable position, but nothing felt quite right without Tweek by his side.

He closed his eyes, willing sleep to come, but it seemed elusive. The memories of the night swirled in his mind, Tweek's absence leaving an ache in his heart that was hard to ignore.

He tossed and turned, his mind stubbornly refusing to quiet. The silence of the room was deafening, making his thoughts seem louder than they were. He tried to count sheep, but every bleat was Tweek's laugh. His heart throbbed, missing Tweek's presence so keenly it ached.

Craig sat up abruptly, running a frustrated hand through his hair. He glanced around the room: the moonlit shadows, the silent furniture, the empty space beside him. The silence was pressing down on him, a tangible reminder of Tweek's absence. He took in a few deep breaths, trying to calm the storm of thoughts in his head.

He turned his eyes towards the window, watching the night sky outside. The loneliness of the night seemed to mirror his own. No matter how he tried to ignore it, the silence was deafening, Tweek's absence glaringly obvious. He let out a deep sigh, resigned to the fact that sleep wouldn't come easily tonight.


Meanwhile, red was still in the dungeon. It was dark and cold in there, and she had already fallen asleep from tiredness of trying to escape.

The doors then finally opened from Maria, the potion wears off a few minutes ago. Maria then looked at the sleeping princess on the ground and then picked her up and shut the dungeon as she left with red.

Maria walled upstairs and went to the guest room. As she arrived there, she then put down red on bed and covered her with warm blankets.

She then walked to the door and opened it but took one last look at Red and then shut the door as she left.

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