Chapter 25 - Not my boy..

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3rd POV

Craig stumbled back from the sudden blow, rubbing his head where the plank had hit him. He was caught off guard by Molly's unexpected appearance and protective intervention.

Craig: "Oww, what the hell was that for, Molly? I'm not trying to steal Tweek's innocence!"

Molly: "Yes, you are! Even Tweek is confused about what you mean, and you're gonna take advantage of that?!"

Craig gritted his teeth, annoyed by Molly's accusations.

Craig: "Take advantage? No, damn it! I'm just trying to have some fun with him, that's all. He's a big boy, he can handle it!"

Molly: "Just because he's nineteen doesn't mean he can handle it! Even Kamilla doesn't know how to explain it to tweek, and she's a warrior! Do you know how hard that is?! Explaining to an innocent person?!"

Craig paused, surprised that even a warrior like Kamilla was struggling to explain the concept to Tweek. He hadn't realized just how innocent and sheltered Tweek was.

Craig: "Alright, alright, I get it. Tweek's innocent, and you guys think I'm trying to corrupt him or something. But that's not what I'm doing. I just want him to loosen up a bit and have some fun. Is that such a crime?"

Molly: "Very much so, and plus he doesn't know things that he should know at his age!"

Craig: "And what exactly are those "things" that he should know at his age? Because from where I'm standing, it seems like you're just coddling him and not trusting him to handle some harmless banter."

Molly: "What's a banter?

Kamilla: "Banter is like just playful teasing or light-hearted joking. It's basically just harmless fun."

Kamilla says in the distance while next to Tweek, who was confused.

Craig glances over at Kamilla and Tweek, noting Tweek's confusion and Kamilla's clarification.

Craig: "Exactly. That's all I'm trying to do with Tweek. It's just some harmless banter. It's not like I'm gonna traumatize him or anything. thank you, Kamilla."

Kamilla: "Im not on your side, though."

Craig: "😐..Whatever, im not gonna listen to you guys and do it to him."

Molly: "Not for long!"

Molly then grabs the wooden plank and then is gonna hit Craig again

Craig: "AHH-"


Craig is now sitting on Tweek's bed in tweeks' house with a bruise on the side of his head, and tweek came with a towel and tea

Tweek: "If you didn't piss her off, this wouldn't have happened."

Craig huffed, rubbing the bruise on his head.

Craig: "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Pissing Molly off should be added to my list of 'Things to Avoid.' But I didn't think she'd hit me with a damn plank!"

He looks at Tweek, who appears amused at his misfortune.

Craig: "You find this funny, don't you?"

Tweek: "What no... okay, maybe a little, but that's all.."

Craig feigns annoyance, but there's a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Craig: "Real nice. My own boyfriend finds it amusing when I get hit on the head. That's just great."

He flops back on the bed, a dramatic sigh escaping his mouth

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