chapter 26 - hide it

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3rd POV

The next morning, Craig slowly blinked his eyes open, the events of the previous evening coming back to him. He sat up in bed, stretching his aching muscles. It was then that he noticed the spot where Tweek had hit him during the scuffle.

Craig let out a sigh, gently touching the forming bruise on his chest.

Craig: "Damn it, Tweek..."

He couldn't deny that he was impressed by Tweek's strength. Despite his small stature, Tweek had a surprising amount of force behind him. But Craig couldn't help feeling a bit amused that he'd been punched by his own boyfriend.

He shook his head, smiling to himself. As much as he pretended to be annoyed by it, he secretly found Tweek's bossy and feisty demeanor endearing.

Sitting up in bed, he glanced at tweek who was sleeping next to him

Tweek was still asleep, his chest rising and falling with each soft breath. He looked so peaceful and innocent, completely different from the feisty boy who had just hit him a few hours ago.

Craig couldn't help but chuckle softly, reaching out to gently run his fingers through Tweek's hair.

He whispered gently, careful not to wake Tweek.

Craig: "Aw, look at you. So fierce and bossy when you're awake, but a complete angel when you're asleep."

Craig suddenly remembered the events of the previous day, including the ballroom event. He had completely forgotten about returning to the castle.

Craig: "Damn it. I'm supposed to be back at the castle by now."

He quickly got out of bed, careful not to wake Tweek, who was still asleep. He gathered his clothes and started getting dressed.

Once he was properly dressed, he looked at Tweek one last time. The boy was still asleep, blissfully unaware of Craig's predicament.

Craig: "Sorry, bossy boy. I gotta go."

He leaned down and gently kissed Tweek's forehead before quietly leaving the room.

As he walked back to the castle, Craig's mind raced with thoughts about the previous day. He couldn't help but smile as he remembered Tweek's bossy and feisty demeanor, the way he had hit him, and how adorable he looked when he was asleep.

He chuckled to himself, realizing how quickly things had changed. Just yesterday, he had been frustrated with Tweek's behavior, but now, he found himself almost missing the feisty boy's presence.

Reaching the castle, he took a deep breath and prepared to face whatever consequences awaited him.

He walked through the castle's grand halls, feeling a pang of guilt for not returning the previous day. He knew his Mom would be disappointed in him.

Red then spots Craig and then goes to him

red: "Where the fuck were you?"

Craig: "Red? the hell are you here?"

red: "I just barely came here a few minutes ago to find you. Now, where we're you?"

Craig then sighs

Craig: "I was at the forest, and I slept over at Tweek's house.."

Red: "You guys fucked?!:

Craig: "What?! no! but we are together.."

Red: "Finally, you pulled somebody."

Craig: "Shut up, red."

As he and Red entered the dining room, Craig saw his Mom already seated at the table, sipping on her tea. She looked up as he approached, her expression already expressing her disapproval.

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