chapter 38 - hold a gun on two

16 1 54

3rd POV

As the forest thinned and the open fields came into view, Craig felt a mixture of anticipation and nerves. They were about to step out of the shadows and into the open world. It was both exhilarating and a bit scary. His hands tightened slightly on the horse's reins.

As they emerged from the edge of the forest, the vast expanse of open fields spread out before them. The sun, no longer hindered by the foliage, cast a warm glow over the landscape. Craig took a deep breath, the scent of the open air mingling with the lingering woodsy fragrance of the forest.

Kamilla stopped the horse, and the horse then stopped and skied on the dirt ground

He glanced at Kamilla, trying to decipher the expression on her face. This was probably her first time out of the forest in years.

Kamilla looked around the outside of the forest. It was uncomfortable for her because she never went out and then said

Kamilla: "This feels weird."

Craig gave a nod, understanding her sentiment. It was a completely different world outside the confines of the forest. The wide-open spaces and the brightness of the sunlight seemed almost foreign.

Craig: "Yeah, I can imagine. It's a big change."

As they stood there, Craig's eyes fell on the sight of his castle, rising in the distance. It was oddly comforting to see something familiar.

Craig: "Look, there's my castle."

He pointed towards the structure, its towers and spires reaching for the sky.

Kamilla: "Let's go!"

They rode off towards the castle, the rhythmic galloping of the horse a steady tempo that filled the air. As they approached, the castle's towering turrets and walls grew larger in their field of vision.

Craig couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. This place was his home, a place he knew like the back of his hand. But it was also a place he often felt trapped in, with the weight of expectations and responsibilities always looming over him.

Coming to a stop a distance from the castle, Craig and Kamilla surveyed the scene in front of them. The castle loomed majestically against the sky, its stone walls and ramparts intimidating.

Craig glanced at Kamilla, her expression unreadable. He wasn't sure if she'd felt any reaction approaching the castle, but surely this was a strange experience for her after being in the forest for so long.

Kamilla: "Now go confront your mother! I'll go get the others!"

Craig nod

Craig: "Alright, I'll talk to my mother. You go get the others and meet me inside the castle."

He hopped off the horse, his feet landing on the ground with a soft thud. With a final look at Kamilla, he turned towards the castle, preparing himself for the conversation ahead.

Craig watched as Kamilla rode off on her horse, a mix of anticipation and anxiety coursing through him. He turned his gaze back towards the castle's imposing structure, its cold stone walls seemingly indifferent to his plight.

With a deep breath, he steeled himself and began the trek towards the castle, his mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming confrontation.

Craig's heart pounded as he saw the bomb careening towards him. But before it could reach, Tweek came in and snatched him out of harm's way just in time. The explosion rocked the air, the shock wave sending a gust of air against them.

Craig's ears were ringing, his heart still racing from the narrow escape. He looked at Tweek in surprise, grateful for his unexpected intervention. tweek was back from fighting the knights.

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