Chapter 31 - Sound Of Danger

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3rd POV

Craig's heart skipped a beat at Tweek's words. Despite the insult, it was a reassurance of what he meant to Tweek. He stepped closer, decreasing the distance between them even more.

Craig: "You're a jerk, you know that?"

But there was no venom in his words, only affection.

Tweek smirked, their playful dynamic as strong as ever. He raised an eyebrow.

Tweek: "And you're an idiot."

He teased back, their faces now merely inches apart. Their laughter echoed softly through the quiet forest, the playful banter a familiar routine between them.

Craig feigned offense, pretending to be hurt by Tweek's insult. He gave Tweek a gentle shove.

Craig: "Watch it, you."

But the corner of his mouth was upturned in a smile, his eyes sparkling with mirth. He relished their banter, teasing and jesting a comfortable form of communication between them.

Craig and Tweek walked through the forest, their steps falling into a comfortable rhythm. Nola was ahead of them, chasing butterflies and picking flowers. The peacefulness of the forest, along with the comforting presence of Tweek, soothed Craig's weary soul.

Craig: "You know, it's been a while since we've had a quiet moment like this."

He mused, watching the sun filter through the trees and cast patterns on the ground.

Tweek: "Yeah."


They both stopped in their tracks, puzzled expressions on their faces. The unexpected thump had broken the tranquil atmosphere.

Craig: "What was that?"

He asked, looking around to pinpoint the source of the noise.

Tweek: "I don't know?"

They stood in silence for a moment, listening intently. There was no indication of what could have caused the thump. Then, suddenly, they spotted something. A slight flicker of movement in the bushes a few yards away.

Tweek then realized what it was and grabbed Craig's hand

Tweek: "We have to go now."

Craig looked at Tweek, puzzled by the urgent tone in his voice. He glanced back at the bushes, still unable to identify the cause of the thump.

Craig: "What? Why? What's going on?"

He questioned, but Tweek was already trying to pull him away.

Tweek: "I'll tell you later! We have to go! Now!"

Craig could sense the urgency in Tweek's voice. Whatever it was about the thump that had caused Tweek to panic, it seemed serious. He let Tweek lead the way, keeping up with his urgent pace.

Craig: "Okay, okay, I'm coming."

Tweek scooped up Nola into his arms as he and Craig raced through the forest. Craig maintained a steady pace, keeping up with Tweek's urgent strides. The question of 'what's happening?' was burning on the tip of his tongue, but he kept it to himself, understanding the situation wasn't for questions.

As they pushed through the foliage, the houses of the village gradually came into view.

Craig could sense the tension in Tweek's every movement. Whatever had been in the forest had clearly scared him, and Craig could only imagine why. He kept pace with Tweek, his eyes darting around the forest, alert for any signs of danger.

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