chapter 33 - They're gone

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WARNING ⚠️: blood, decapitation, cutting, slaughter, Gore, kidnapped, this is a war, so it's gonna be very, very violent!

3rd POV

He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He'll have to wait until the fighting has died down a bit before he can go looking for Tweek. He can only hope that Tweek will be okay and that they can find each other again once the smoke clears.

The fighting seems to go on forever, the sounds of battle and bloodshed ringing in Craig's ears. He struggles to stay focused, his mind constantly drifting back to Tweek, wondering if he's okay, if he's alive.


Nola was walking around until a knight pointed a gun behind her head, Kamilla noticed and jumped on the knight, turned the gun around to point at his head, and made him shoot himself to death.

He falls, and Kamilla gets off of him and scoops up Nola up to carry her.

Kamilla: "Are you okay?"

Nola nods

Kamilla: "Okay, well, hold on tight!"

Nola does as she was told, and Kamilla runs to go kills some more enemies.


Craig weaved through the battlefield, dodging and ducking as he tried to find a safe spot. The fighting was intense, and he could feel the fear and adrenaline coursing through his veins. He kept his eyes peeled for Tweek, wondering that he was still alive and well.

Craig weaved through the battlefield, dodging and ducking as he tried to find a safe spot. The fighting was intense, and he could feel the fear and adrenaline coursing through his veins. He kept his eyes peeled for Tweek, wondering that he was still alive and well.

Craig: "Dammit!"

He hissed in pain, holding the wound as he tried to get back up. The fighting was still going on around him, and he knew he had to find some kind of shelter soon.

Craig then sees someone about to attack him with a bow and arrow until they stop, and it was kimi

Kimi: "Craig?! I thought you were in the bunker? Didn't Tweek send you there?"

Craig is caught off guard by the sudden appearance of Kimi, and his eyes widen in surprise.

Craig: "Kimi?"

He winces as pain shoots through his arm.

Craig: "Yeah, I... I was supposed to go to the bunker, but..."

He trails off, his head spinning from the adrenaline and the pain. He can't believe that Kimi is here, and he feels a sense of relief at the sight of a friendly face.

Craig: "I...I saw Tweek on the battlefield, and I just... I couldn't leave him."

Kimi: "Tweek is fine, Craig. You don't need to look for him right now - look out!"

Kimi grabbed her arrow and threw it across through the enemies chest

Craig's eyes darted to the enemy that Kimi had taken down, and he felt a mix of awe and relief wash over him. Kimi was clearly capable of handling herself in battle, and he was grateful for her quick reflexes.

But his mind was still fixated on Tweek, the need to know that he was safe and okay gnawing at him.

Craig: "Have you seen Tweek? Is he okay?"

He asks, the desperation clear in his voice. He had to know if Tweek was unscathed, if he hadn't gotten tangled in the middle of the fighting.

Kimi: "he's fine! I saw him earlier, and he already killed someone!"

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