chapter 17 - Meeting

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3rd POV

He knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep anytime soon, not with his mind racing with thoughts of his mother, his grandparents, and the hidden trauma he had unwittingly uncovered.

He lay back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, feeling lost and alone in his uncertainty and confusion.

He wished he had someone to talk to, someone who could help him make sense of what he had read and what had happened that evening.

But he was all alone in his own dark thoughts, feeling like he was drowning in a sea of emotions with no life preserver in sight.

He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He knew that he needed to find a way to cope with overwhelming feelings and uncertainty.

He closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind, trying to find a moment of peace in the storm of thoughts and emotions that were swirling inside of him.

Despite his earlier dismissal of Tweek, Craig suddenly felt a strong urge to seek him out. He knew that Tweek could be annoying and hyperactive, but right now, he felt like he needed someone to talk to.

Craig got up from his bed and walked to his window, peering out into the night.

He was tempted to leave his room and go find Tweek, but he knew that it was late and that Tweek would likely be asleep.

He stood there, feeling torn between his need for companionship and his desire to respect Tweek's sleep schedule.

He wrestled with his thoughts for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of waking Tweek up.

On one hand, he knew that it would be rude and selfish to disturb Tweek's sleep at such a late hour. On the other hand, he was feeling desperate for someone to talk to.

He stood there, conflicted and unsure of what to do. He didn't want to be selfish, but he also couldn't shake the feeling that he needed Tweek's company.

He looked out the window again, hoping for some kind of sign or answer. But the night was still and silent, offering no solace or solution.

As he looked out the window, Craig suddenly remembered the way he had treated Tweek earlier that day.

He felt a pang of guilt and regret as he thought back to their argument and the way he had stormed off and left Tweek alone and hurt.

He had been so caught up in his own anger and frustration that he had completely forgotten about Tweek's feelings. He realized now that he had been selfish and unfair to Tweek, treating him like an inconvenience rather than a friend.

(Ahem *boyfriend* Ahem WHO SAID THAT)

He closed his eyes and groaned, feeling a mix of guilt and shame for his behavior. He knew that he needed to apologize to Tweek, but he also wondered if Tweek would even forgive him for acting the way he had.

He was torn between wanting to fix things with Tweek and wanting to avoid facing the consequences of his actions. He knew that he had hurt Tweek and that he needed to make things right, but he also didn't know how Tweek would react to seeing him again after the way he had left things.

He stood there, still looking out the window, feeling conflicted and unsure of what to do. He wanted to go and talk to Tweek, but he also knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep if things didn't go well.

He thought back to their fight and how Tweek had looked so hurt and sad as he had walked away. He felt a twinge of pain in his heart as he remembered the look of betrayal in Tweek's eyes.

He knew that he had really hurt Tweek, and he felt a sense of shame and regret for treating him so unfairly. He wondered if Tweek would even be willing to talk to him or if he had ruined their friendship completely.

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