chapter 41 - New home (ENDING)

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3rd POV

The forest had become a scene of chaos and pain - the innocent people caught in the crossfire needed immediate medical attention and comfort, which the group was quick to provide.

Craig and Tweek, their faces reflecting the grim reality of the situation, moved among the injured, offering first aid and reassurance. The sight of innocent people suffering only served to amplify the weight of guilt they already felt.

The people from Craig's village came and helped the people who lived in the forest. Of course, the people in the forest hesitated, but them they gave in.

Meanwhile, Nola and Kimi tended to the children (The OTHER children, bc nola is the only child in her village), their gentle hands, and soothing words the best form of comfort they could offer in the harrowing aftermath.

Meanwhile, Kamilla was carefully bandaging Katrina's injured stomach, her hands moving with practiced efficiency, even as tears welled in her eyes. Each touch was gentle, a tender attempt to soothe the suffering of an innocent soul.

The atmosphere was one of hushed urgency, the air thick with a solemn silence interrupted only by the occasional pained moans of the wounded. The forest, usually a source of tranquility, had become a battlefield of tragedy and despair.

As Kamilla worked on Katrina, she could feel the weight of her own emotions bearing down on her. Her heart ached for the innocent people they were trying to help, each injury a reminder of the violence that had been unleashed. The forest, once a place of beauty, had been forever stained by the blood and tears of the victims.

Craig, with a determined look in his eyes, approached Nathan, who was assisting in the evacuation of the injured, his hands steady despite the circumstances.

Craig: "Nathan."

Nathan: "What."

Craig: "I have an idea where you guys can live at"

Nathan: "It's fine, Craig. Whatever you say,
we're fine. We just need to fix the forest up and plant more plants and trees.."

Craig shook his head, a solemn determination on his face.

Craig: "No, you guys can't stay here. It's too dangerous. Think about your people. They will be in danger if you guys stay here too long."

Nathan's eyes flickered with worry. He knew Craig was right, but abandoning the forest felt not right. It was his parents' village, his parents rule this forest and past it on go him after they died.

Craig's eyes locked with Nathan's, holding that gaze with a sternness that brooked no argument.

Craig: "This place is no longer safe. You have to think of your people's safety first. The risk of another attack is too high if you stay here."

Nathan's hesitation was obvious, his loyalty to his people at odds with the harsh truth Craig presented.

Craig's tone softened slightly, understanding the conflict Nathan was facing.

Craig: "I know this is hard, Nathan. I know what the forest means to you, to your people. But sometimes, protecting what matters means making tough choices."

Nathan looked down, his thoughts churning, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders.

Finally, he let out a resigned sigh, his gaze raising back to meet Craig's.

Nathan: "You're right. We can't risk any more attacks. But where do we go? We can't just leave our home."

Craig, already having an idea in mind, replied, his voice firm yet reassuring.

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