chapter 9 - 3rd sibling

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3rd POV

Tweek: "he still has a kind soul. The whole village loves him for who he is and not for his looks. He's a kind person craig."

(Btw I'm not shipping tweek & Nathan. Tweek is saying this as a friend way.)

Craig: "A kind person? That guy EATS PEOPLE TWEEK. It doesn't matter how "kind" he is. There's nothing good about cannibalism. It's cannibalism."

craig crosses his arms as he stares at tweek

Tweek: "he's a kind king and prince. Honestly, he's kinder than you are craig."

craig scoffs, then he glares at tweek

Craig: "Oh, now you're telling me that I'm a horrible person, aren't you? Well, let me remind you that I DON'T EAT PEOPLE FOR A LIVING TWEEK. Unlike your beloved prince."

Tweek: "That's one thing he does badly. You have many."

Craig rolls his eyes once again, and he pokes tweek again

Craig: "Like what? Give me three examples of why I'm such a bad person."

Tweek: "Rude. Annoying. And Molly wants to kill you."

craig's expression shifts to a surprised and annoyed as he hears that.

Craig: "Excuse me? Molly wants to kill me?! What the hell is wrong with her?!"

Tweek: "she has a good reason. Anyway, off you go."

Craig then clenches his fists as he glares at tweek with anger

Craig: "And what's that damn reason, tweek?"

Tweek: "Nothing. Nothing at all."

Craig: "If you don't tell me that, I swear to -"

???: "Tweeky! Do you know where's Molly and Nathan are?"

The both of them turn and see a small child that a girl around 6 years old has blond hair, green eyes, white skin, White button shirt and dark blue shirt that goes all the way to her knees.

tweek: "Nola, what are you doing here?! you're supposed to be with the people."

nola: "I know, but...nah."

craig frowns as he looks at the little girl who approached them

Craig: "I take it that you're one of Nathan's siblings?"

Nola: "Yeah! Wait, tweek. You never told me a new person came!"

Tweek: "he's not new kiddo he's just here to visit and leave."

craig raises his eyebrow at tweek when he says that

Craig: "I'm just here to visit, and I'll leave? Who gave you the authority to decide that?"

Craig glares at tweek

Tweek: "myself 😊 now get the fuck out of here."

Tweek then pushes craig out of the way, then nola spoke.

Nola: "Can you play with me later?"

Tweek: "I can't kiddo. I have to do work."

craig's eyes widen when he hears how rude tweek is acting, and he stares at tweek as he glares at him even more

Craig: "You know you're too rude for a servant, but considering who your master is."

Tweek: "First of all, I'm not rude, I just got a lot of work to do. Second, how about you take care of nola since you don't wanna leave."

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