chapter 22 - Chased

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3rd POV

Craig held Tweek close, and the weight of their conversation still heavy on him. He watched as Tweek eventually drifted off to sleep, his breathing slow and even.

Craig's fingers gently brushed through Tweek's hair as he stared up at the ceiling, his mind replaying the events of the evening over and over. The words Tweek had said, the pain he had seen in his eyes, the ache in his own heart... it was all too much

He closed his eyes, trying to make sense of everything, to quash the guilt, the longing, the regret. But it was impossible, the feelings too strong, too raw. Tweek was right - he couldn't ignore what he felt for the sake of duty, but the thought of going against everything he'd been taught, everything he'd known... it felt like a betrayal.

Time ticked by silently as he continued holding Tweek, the sound of his soft breathing soothing in the otherwise quiet room.

The night wore on, the hours slipping past as Craig lay there, his mind refusing to quiet. He wanted to stay like this, holding Tweek close, feeling the warmth of his body against his, pretending that everything was simple, normal.

Craig looked down at Tweek, his heart clenching at the sight of his peaceful, sleeping face. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was impossible, that they were from different worlds, and as much as he wished it could be different, he knew it was true.

Craig knew it was time for him to go back to the castle, He wanted to be with tweek for a moment and make sure he's okay.

He leaned down and gently kissed the top of Tweek's head, a silent promise that he'd be back as soon as he could. He carefully extracted himself from the bed, trying not to wake Tweek, and quietly dressed.

As he left, he looked back one last time at Tweek's sleeping form, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions.

The walk back to the castle felt longer than usual, the cold night air a stark contrast to the warmth of Tweek's bed. Craig's thoughts were a tangle of emotions - guilt, longing, resolve, confusion. He felt torn in two, unable to ignore the pull towards Tweek but unable to ignore his responsibilities, either.

When he reached the castle, he was met with the usual guards and servants, who eyed him with curiosity as he walked through the halls, his mind elsewhere.

He made his way to his own chambers, nodding curtly to the guards stationed outside. Once inside, he closed the door behind him and leaned back against it, feeling the weight of everything press down on him again.

Despite the opulence of his surroundings, he felt empty, alone. He missed the warmth of Tweek's body curled up against his, the sound of his breathing in the silence.

It was then that the enormity of the situation hit him again. He couldn't keep this up, seeing Tweek in secret, hiding his feelings out of some sense of duty, of responsibility. It wasn't fair to either of them.

He pushed himself away from the door and paced the room, his mind racing. He had to make a decision and had to figure out how to navigate this impossible situation. The thought of giving up Tweek, of giving up the feelings that had so unexpectedly bloomed in his heart, felt like a physical ache in his chest. But the thought of going against everything he'd been raised to do, the thought of defying his parents, his kingdom... it was equally painful.

The hours ticked by as he wrestled with his thoughts, his emotions a mess of confusion and conflict. The sun eventually rose, the first light of dawn creeping through the curtains. Craig was still pacing, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep, his mind racing.

As the castle came alive around him, the sounds of servants and courtiers filling the halls, Craig knew he had to act. He couldn't keep living like this, trapped between duty and desire. He had to find a way to make a decision, even if it broke his heart.

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