chapter 12 - tell him.

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3rd POV

Craig sat on the ground, coughing and panting, trying to catch his breath. His face was a mix of anger, despair, and resignation. He knew there was nothing he could do to change his mother's mind. He slowly got up and walked over to his bed, sitting down on it.

Craig then laid down on the bed and just started at the ceiling, still trying to process everything that happened. He felt so powerless and angry, but for now, he just had to wait until tomorrow before he could try to take action

he eventually fell asleep, the long day and the emotions taking a mental toll on him. He tossed and turned in his bed, the anger still on his mind even in his sleep.


Craig slowly opened his eyes, the sunlight filtered into his room through the gaps in the curtains. He sat up in his bed and groggily rubbed his eyes, still feeling the tiredness from tossing and turning in his sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about what his mother said the night before

he then got up from his bed and walked towards the nearby window, looking outside. Everything looked so normal and peaceful, yet Craig knew that wouldn't last for long. He took a deep breath and sighed. He knew what he had to do today. He had to go warn Tweek.

Craig quickly got dressed, putting on a simple shirt and pants. He wasn't really in the mood to wear his formal uniform. He glanced at the mirror and saw how tired he looked, but that didn't matter right now. He had to get out of the castle before anyone noticed.

Craig quietly walked out of his room, being careful not to make any noise as he didn't want to attract any attention. He slowly made his way through the castle, sticking to the shadows and avoiding any guards who might be patrolling the halls

Eventually, Craig reached the exit of the castle. He took one last glance around, checking for any sign of others, but the coast was clear. He pushed open the door and slipped out, the cool morning air embracing him

Eventually, Craig reached the exit of the castle. He took one last glance around, checking for any sign of others, but the coast was clear. He pushed open the door and slipped out, the cool morning air embracing him

And then craig then sees one of his servants in front of craig. And then the servant grabbed craig back collar and took him back to his room

Servant: "Sorry sir, but your mother said to keep an eye out on you."

Craig's eyes widened in surprise as he was grabbed by his collar and took back inside

Craig: "What the- wait, no-"

Craig struggled a bit, trying to break free from the servant's grip

Craig: "Let me go! I have to go somewhere!"

The servant tightened his grip on Craig's collar and kept a firm hold on him, easily overpowering Craig's attempts to break free

Servant: "Sorry kid, your mother's orders. You can't go anywhere for the time being."

Craig's frustration grew. He continued struggling against the servant's grip, but it was hopeless. He looked up at the servant defiantly.

Craig: "Damn it, let go of me! I'm the prince, I command you to let me go!"

Servant: "but not a king."

Craig's irritation grew even more. He glared at the servant and clenched his fists

Craig: "I said, let go!"

He tried to break free again, but it was clear that the servant was stronger and would not be easily persuaded

Servant: "You know how your mother is. She will kill me if I do."

Craig knew that the servant was right. He knew how ruthless his mother was and how she wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who disobeyed her.

Craig: "...Damn it..."

He stopped struggling and just hung there, letting the servant drag him back to his room

the servant brought Craig back to his room and forcefully pushed him inside, closing the door behind him. Craig stumbled as he was pushed, catching himself on the edge of his bed. He just sat there for a moment, feeling defeated and frustrated

Craig stared out the window, then realized he could get out of the window. he then grabbed the rope from his closet, tied the rope on the frame bed, and then got out of the window with the rope

he slowly made his way down the castle wall, using the rope to help him keep hold. His heart was pounding in his chest as he looked down below, knowing that if he was caught, it would be bad

after a few minutes, he finally reached the ground safely. He let out a sigh of relief and quickly looked around, checking if anyone saw him. The coast was clear, and he quickly started making his way towards the forest

he kept a steady pace, making sure to keep out of sight of any patrolling guards or anyone who might recognize him. His mind was focused on Tweek and warning him about the impending war. He needed to get to the forest as quickly as possible

Eventually, he reached the edge of the forest. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart, and started walking into the trees. Being in the forest felt like a breath of fresh air after being in the castle. He continued walking, keeping an eye out for any of the fae

craig knew tweek was gonna tackle him down thinking that craig is an intruder, so craig got prepared and then

Tweek: "HIYA!"

Craig then grabbed tweek and carried him, tweek's legs were wrapped around craig's waist

Tweek: "I FINALLY - oh."

Craig couldn't help but chuckle as Tweek tried to take him down, only to end up being carried instead. He held Tweek's legs, keeping him from falling

Craig: "Hey, hey, calm down. It's just me."

Tweek: "heh sorry"

Craig chuckled again and shook his head

Craig: "It's okay, I should've known you would have tried to tackle me down."

He held Tweek a bit tighter, enjoying the closeness

Molly: "What the hell is going on, oh!"

Molly said as she came out and she was a feet away from the two boys

Molly: "Yall being gay or something?"

Craig felt his face turn a bit red as he heard Molly's comment. He quickly stuttered a response

Craig: "What? No! We're just -"

He looked down at Tweek, who was still wrapped around his waist, and realized how it must look.

he then quickly lowered Tweek so that he was standing on the ground and stepped back a bit, trying to distance himself

Craig: "It's not what it looks like, alright? We're just talking."

Molly: "Whatever, and what are you wearing? You still look ugly anyways"

Craig rolled his eyes as Molly made another jab at his appearance. He was used to it by now, but it still annoyed him

Craig: "Yeah, yeah, I know I'm not the picture of beauty, but I didn't come here for fashion advice."

Molly: "Well, it looks like you need one."


Words: 1200

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