chapter 29 - Do you think about it?

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3rd POV

As the night fell, the forest grew quieter, and the moon cast its soft glow. Craig was now laying in bed, the events of the evening replaying in his mind.

The knock on his door interrupted his thoughts, causing him to sit up and call out.

Craig: "Who is it?"

Tweek: "It's me~ Now let me in!"

Craig chuckled softly, recognizing Tweek's voice.

Craig: “Come in, you impatient bean.”

The door opened, and Tweek walked in, carrying two steaming cups of tea. He had a small smile on his face.

Tweek: "Hey there, sleepyhead. Did you miss me?"

Craig rolled his eyes playfully at Tweek's teasing.

Craig: "You were gone for like a minute, Tweek. It's not that long."

Tweek set down both mugs on a nearby nightstand.

Tweek: "It felt like an eternity. I couldn't stand being away from you for even a second."

He feigned a dramatic swoon, hand on his forehead.

Craig snickered at Tweek's dramatic gesture.

Craig: "Oh, really? My heart swells with your undying affection."

He rolled his eyes sarcastically, but there was a hint of a smile on his face.

Tweek laughed, knowing that deep down, Craig secretly loved his clinginess. He handed a mug of tea to Craig.

Tweek: "Yeah, yeah, you love it. Now drink, it's chamomile. It'll help you relax even more."

Craig took the mug and inhaled the aroma of the chamomile tea, feeling his muscles relaxing further.

(What muscles? You don't have any)

Craig: "You always know what I need, don't you? How can I ever repay your unwavering care?"

Tweek smirked as he sat down next to Craig.

Tweek: "Oh, nothing too big. Just have to make me king forever."

He then pretended to twirl his hair like a stereotypical princess, fluttering his eyelashes at Craig.

Craig chuckled at Tweek's antics, raising an eyebrow at the princess impression.

Craig: "Oh, so you want to be my little king, huh? That comes with a lot of perks. You'd have to deal with all the nobles, the political crap, and people always complaining."

Tweek: "Well, yeah, but at least I'll be your husband...or do you want me to be -"

Craig's smirk widened as he realized where Tweek was going with his statement. He wrapped an arm around Tweek and pulled him closer.

Craig: "Oh, don't even finish that sentence. You know damn well I want nothing more than to marry your annoying ass."

Tweek couldn't help but grin at Craig's response. He leaned into the embrace, snuggling into Craig's side.

Tweek: "Oh, you love this annoying ass of mine, don't deny it."

Craig nuzzled his face into Tweek's hair, inhaling his familiar scent.

Craig: "As if I could deny it even if I wanted to. You're my favorite person in the world."

Tweek nestled further into Craig's side, a feeling of contentment washing over him.

Tweek: "You know, sometimes it's hard to believe that I'm actually yours. I mean, me, the guy who can't go five minutes without twitching or freaking out, and you, the tough, handsome prince. It's like a fairy tale or something."

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