chapter 20 - The fall

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3rd POV

As he walked back to the castle, his thoughts kept returning to Tweek and Nathan. Their relationship was a complete mystery to him, and his mind filled with a mix of curiosity and jealousy.

Had Tweek and Nathan always been so close? Was there more to their friendship than he had assumed?

Craig's mind was a jumble of questions without answers.

As Craig made his way back to the castle, he tried to put on a confident facade, hiding the inner turmoil he was feeling.

He knew he couldn't let anyone see how upset he was, especially Servants. They would just ask more questions and cause more problems.

So he took a few deep breaths, steeled himself, and pushed open the castle doors.

He went to his room and closed the door, and then laid on his bed. he felt guilty and selfish of what he had done and tried to go to sleep.

But sleep eluded him. His mind kept replaying the events of the evening over and over again. The argument with Tweek, the sound of Tweek's crying, the sight of him hugging Nathan.

He tossed and turned in his bed, trying to force himself to stop thinking about it. But the images and feelings kept flooding back, making it impossible to shut off his thoughts.

He sat up in bed, frustrated and exhausted. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep anytime soon, not with Tweek occupying his every thought.

He glanced at the clock. It was late, and he should have been asleep hours ago. But now he was wide awake, his mind refusing to let him rest.

He let out a heavy sigh and got out of bed, resigning himself to a sleepless night.


Tweek and Nathan said they're goodbyes and good nights and went to their separate way.

Tweek went to his house, it was a mushroom house (it looks like that one mushroom house from the show Ben & Holly). Tweek then went inside his house and closed the door, and then walked upstairs. He made it to his room and closed the door.

Tweek felt tired and just wanted to go to sleep, but also he wanted to apologize to craig about him slashing out to him. But it was already too late to do that and then went to get ready for bed.


Despite his best efforts to push the thought aside, Craig couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to apologize to Tweek.

He knew he had been needlessly harsh, and the sight of Tweek running off crying was still fresh in his mind.

He sat on the edge of his bed, feeling conflicted. He knew it was late, and Tweek was probably asleep by now. Yet the desire to make things right gnawed at him.

He chewed on his lip, debating with himself for a few minutes.

Eventually, a small part of him won out.

Craig stood up, determination pushing him into action. He knew it was a bad idea to venture back into the forest in the dead of night, but he couldn't ignore this nagging feeling.

He slipped on his shoes and grabbed a hooded cloak from his wardrobe, pulling it around his shoulders to shield himself from the cool night air.

With a final glance around his room, he opened the door carefully, making sure no one saw him as he snuck out into the hallway.

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