chapter 40 - Last breath.

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WARNING ⚠️: blood, decapitation, death

3rd POV

Mother, seizing the opportunity with a cruel determination, grabbed Molly by the hair and forcefully threw her onto the guillotine. Molly's efforts to break free were in vain as she found her wrists and ankles bound to the cold, metallic structure.

Molly's panic escalated as she struggled against the bindings, her heart racing with a sickening mix of fear and defiance. The realization of her vulnerability settled like a stone in her stomach, her body now at the mercy of the mother's wrath.

Molly's eyes widened in horror as Mother reached for the rope and yanked it up, her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach. The realization of her grim fate suddenly becoming all too real.


Craig and Tweek, still held captive by the knights, turned their heads in the direction of the sudden intrusion. Standing out in the open was Nathan, his gaze locked on them with surprise and concern.

In a swift and brutal display of skill, Nathan unsheathed his sword and sprinted towards the knights holding Craig and Tweek. With calculated precision, he severed their heads from their bodies, sending a chilling message of his determination.

Nathan: "Where's Molly?!"

Craig's gaze followed Nathan's, and it quickly fell upon Molly's dire situation at the guillotine. The horror of the sight was palpable as Molly stood bound, moments away from a gruesome fate.

With no time to waste, Nathan dashed towards Molly, his strides powerful and purposeful. His eyes were locked onto her bound figure, a mix of urgency and determination fueling his every movement.

Nathan: "MOLLY! NOO!"

Molly's eyes widened at the sound of Nathan's anguished voice. She turned her head as best as she could. She then smiled and then waved goodbye with her hand

Mother then lets go of the rope as the sharp ran down falling onto Molly's neck and then...


The sight of Molly getting beheaded sent a wave of shock and grief through the air. Her final gesture, the waving goodbye, added an extra layer of tragedy to the already horrific scene. As her head fell to the ground, a collective gasp escaped through their mouths

Craig and Tweek stood frozen in shock and horror, their eyes fixated upon the sight of Molly's lifeless head on the ground. The weight of the loss settled heavily upon them, as if the world had suddenly lost its color. The magnitude of the tragedy was overwhelming, leaving them speechless in its wake.

Nathan stood there, frozen in disbelief, his voice barely a whisper as he uttered Molly's name. The image of her lifeless head seared itself into his memory, a haunting reminder of the unimaginable tragedy. Tears welled up in his eyes, his heart shattering into a million pieces.

Maria then came back after the potion weared off. She then rubbed her head and then looked at the mess she had done. Her eyes widen in shock and guilt. Tears start forming.

'No no no no! Why! Why did I do this?! It's my fault! It's my fault! If I hadn't drank it, this wouldn't have happened!' She said in her mind

Consumed by grief and a boiling rage, Nathan didn't hesitate for a moment. His fist connected with Maria's face, a powerful punch infused with all the pain and anger that had been building within him.

With a swift and decisive motion, Nathan seized the sword that had fallen beside him. His rage fueled his every move, and he plunged the blade deep into the mother's stomach, a grim determination etched on his face.

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