↳( yandere adultrio x fem! reader )
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➥ 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡, under the guise of a reaper, a woman applies to be a Hunter whilst trying to evade three killers who seem to want nothing more than for her...
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"WHAT do you want, Hisoka?" Reaper questioned bluntly as she placed her scythe back into the storage of the (F/C) mist, her eyes briefly glancing down to his shoulder to spot a wound which hadn't healed yet before looking back to his face. "Is there a reason as to why you've suddenly appeared before me?
"Not specifically," Hisoka shrugged. "I'm merely entertained by you."
"Is that so?"
"Yes," he practically purred the word, his hands lacing behind his back as he stared down at her through the shadow of her hood. "I heard about your little run in with Gittarackur, and might I say I'm surprised you're still breathing. However... I'm quite upset you fought him before me."
"I've fought many people before I met you," Reaper announced. "There is no difference."
"Ah, still as cold as ever."
"If that's all you came to say, please leave," she relayed before turning to walk back into the cave. "I would like to sleep in peace."
"Do that and I might not be able to control myself," he teased as he followed her further inside with a rather broad grin, as if knowing that no matter what she did or said, he would get what he wanted. "I just won't be able to hold myself back from taking a peek at what lies underneath that hood."
"I'll ask again: what do you want?" Reaper turned back to face him.
"I want you to fight me."
Reaper had already known about the man's attraction to power, so she expected he would be after hers as incessantly as he was doing.
"Is that all?"
"Shouldn't it be?" He smirked.
"Very well."
At Reaper's words, the air around her turned cold as it became seeped with bloodlust. Hisoka had never felt such an overpowering aura before as he stepped backwards, a psychotic grin etching itself across his lips the longer he stared at her. The very waves of her power that drifted from her figure was an intensity that he hadn't quite grasped before, a frigid wind howling and blowing around her that made her look like the very epitome of death.
And such a sight was so deadly it could strike fear in the most hardened of warriors.
Before Hisoka could even move, he was trapped in a layer of (F/C) mist that bound his arms to his sides. With a flick of her finger, Reaper threw him out of the cave, his body moving so fast that he could barely comprehend what was happening until he hit the base of a tree with a pained grunt, his eyes widening—twitching—as he coughed up a spew of blood upon impact. Looking up through hazy eyes, he watched as Reaper approached, her scythe hanging from her bandaged hand.
His smile cracked, his teeth glimmering in the light of the moon.
This feeling...
I could become addicted if I'm not careful.
Raising her scythe, Reaper swept the blade down, and not even a moment later, the tree which Hisoka had been leaning against was cut cleanly through to land with a loud crash. However, Hisoka's body didn't lie with it, and as Reaper looked up, she found that his presence wasn't near her.
It seems he has gone.
Allowing her scythe to disappear, Reaper returned to the cave to sleep. Thankfully, Hisoka didn't interrupt her for the second time. The last few days of the Fourth Phase, Reaper evaded most applicants who were beginning to grow desperate. Then again, almost as soon as she was spotted, she was avoided as if she had the plague.
She didn't mind this.
"Phase Four of the Hunter Exam is now officially over! All remaining applicants, please return to the starting point at once! You will be given one additional hour to make your way back. If you still haven't returned by the time that hour is up, you will fail the Exam. Furthermore, exchanging badges at the starting point is prohibited," the woman who had brought the contestants to the island announced through microphone. "Any attempt to do so will result in immediate disqualification."
As Reaper walked leisurely to the starting point, she was distracted by a faint scratching sound that came from up ahead of her. Continuing forward, the woods eventually thinned to reveal a fallen tree in the middle of a small clearing, the mound of dirt next to it moving which revealed it as the source of the scratching she had heard before.
She blinked.
How... peculiar.
Approaching the mound until she was only a couple feet away, she tilted her head, waiting.
Does dirt move on its own?
Not even a moment later, large dark eyes met her gaze through the shadow of her hood. Unlike what she thought, a man had appeared out of the hole. He wore a blank expression, making his eyes look completely dead and void of any emotion. It reminded her largely of Gittarackur, but then again, she presumed the man before her and Gittarackur to be two completely different people based on appearances alone.
"Who are you?" She questioned as she backed away to give the man space to exit the hole.
"Gittarackur," the man responded, his tone much softer and smoother than said person he was claiming to be.
Reaper watched as he then proceeded to take various pins—much like the ones Gittarackur had used—and stick them all over his face with a few spread out along his torso. As his features contorted into one of familiarity, she only confirmed what she already knew to be true: the man before her was a Nen user, or more specifically, a Manipulator.
I wonder if he's hiding his identity on purpose. If he is, he isn't doing a terribly good job at hiding it.
The two then walked in silence towards the starting point where the Fourth Phase would end. Soon enough, Reaper found her feet no longer sinking into the soft grass of the island but to instead land on the hard rock that lined the outskirts of the beach. Several other applicants had already arrived, including Killua and Hisoka, the former ignoring her completely whilst the latter did just the opposite, his golden eyes twinkling with pure ecstasy just from seeing her arrive. He seemed fine even after their fight, something she was a bit puzzled at since, if anything, she assumed he would be wanting to kill her without hesitation.
Yet, there he was, looking at her as if he were some lovesick fanboy.
Such a comparison made her shudder.
"Now, we will check the badges of everyone present here," the woman announced, clipboard in hand as she went down the row. "Number 44, Mr. Hisoka. Number 58, Mr. Pokkle. Number 99, Mr. Killua. Number 203, Mr. Reaper. Number 301, Mr. Gittarackur. Number 345, Mr. Garo. Number 191, Mr. Bodoro. Number 294, Mr. Hanzo. So, only eight applicants have passed? Oh, wait."
When the woman looked past the scattered applicants on the beach, Reaper was inclined to follow her gaze. And there walking towards the group was Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio with scratches and dirt lining their clothes and skin, yet each with smiles adorned on their lips. Reaper sighed, a smile of her own touching the corners of her mouth as she watched the three descend.