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Everyday Pleasures

THE next time (Y/N) awoke, her breathing immediately started to quicken when she realized that her cloak and her bandages that she used to cover her entire body and hide her scars away from the world were gone

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THE next time (Y/N) awoke, her breathing immediately started to quicken when she realized that her cloak and her bandages that she used to cover her entire body and hide her scars away from the world were gone. More so, when she tried to use her arms to cover them, she found out that she couldn't due to being shackled to the wall along with her feet.

"My, my~," Hisoka crooned as he walked forward from the shadows, a smirk teasing on his lips as he drank in her body. "To think that you were a woman all this time, and to think that you hid scars this beautiful... it makes me quite upset, (L/N). Or, perhaps should I call you by your true name as the boss has now revealed... (Y/N)?"

"Where am I, Hisoka?" She asked evenly, only able to tell that she was in a dark cave of some type. "And where is Chrollo?"

"Why do you immediately ask about him?" Hisoka's smirk faded at her question.


Hisoka approached her with an unreadable expression before he harshly tugged her chin upward so that her lips could meet his. For him at least, instantly it felt as if everything around them was drowned out and they were in their own world of bliss, a serenity that made his other hand clamp down on her waist so he could bring her even closer, deepening the kiss with a hunger for more. (Y/N) couldn't push him away even if she wanted to, her efforts to do so fruitless no matter how hard she tugged at her iron chains.

They must work against Nen...

It seems Chrollo prepared more thoroughly than I expected him to.

Just as Hisoka's hand trailed down her thigh, the clunking of a bolt and lock being released made him let her go and back away quickly, however a smirk still very much present while he licked his lips. It just made her eyes narrow in revulsion, finally understanding why he seemed so possessive of her back in Heaven's Arena. Her eyes then averted to the group of people that walked inside, recognizing only the one man standing in the middle of them all.

"Chrollo," she uttered.

"Is this the girl you've been looking for the entire time?" A rather cheerful voice exclaimed, it's owner belonging to a young man with bright green eyes, blonde hair, and who wore a sleeveless lavender-colored uniform with a green belt at his waist. "She's so cute! Hey, where did you meet her, boss?"

"She saved me after that one job we had unfortunately... been unprepared for," Chrollo answered, his gaze not once leaving (Y/N)'s.

"So you were with her during the time we couldn't find you!" The boy Easily connected the dots as he gave (Y/N) another smile. "I'm Shalnark! Pleased to meet you!"

She didn't answer him.

Instead, she turned to Chrollo and demanded, "Where am I, Chrollo?"

"Underneath an abandoned factory on the outskirts of York New City," he answered her surprisingly honestly, having no need to keep secrets from her now that he had finally found her again. "We have a job to do, so we might be here for a little while. If you behave, I will release you of those chains."

"We're in... York New City?" (Y/N) muttered with a slow shake of her head. "You've certainly grown more bold in the time I haven't seen you, Chrollo. It's disappointing. I will get out of these chains sooner or later, regardless if you let me go, and when that happens, I will have no choice but to kill you. I avoid bloodshed whenever I can, but seeing as you kidnapped me first, then so be it."

"Seems she has quite a temper," another member let out a raspy chuckle, the man dressed in a formal Japanese robe with a sword strapped to his hip.

"I'll say!" Shalnark laughed along with him.

Chrollo's serene expression didn't falter as he stepped forward towards (Y/N), his hands reaching upward to cup her face. As he brushed a thumb across her skin, ignoring the piercing gaze from Hisoka who was currently leaning against one of the walls, he placed a brief kiss to her forehead. Most of the Troupe members seemed surprised by the affection Chrollo was showing her, however none commented on it.

"You were and are the most important thing to me, (Y/N)," Chrollo proclaimed softly. "I can't lose you in the way I lost Sarasa. I had to take you with me. Even if you tried to kill me, it wouldn't matter to me in the slightest."

The members seemed shocked that Chrollo suddenly brought up their deceased playmate from when they were children, a few even exchanging brief glances with each other as they all wondered who this strange woman was. The members then chose to act on her questions. Probing Chrollo with questions about the woman whom he had been searching for, (Y/N) closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. She hated being so exposed like this, feeling as if her scars were burning under so many people's intense stares. She wished to sink into a dark hole and never be seen again, but she couldn't, at least not with the Nen-barring chains holding her back.

How can I escape?

Be rational.

Let no emotions cloud your judgement.

It won't do you any good.

"I feel as if she looks familiar," one of the Troupe members stated in a rather low tone, the man being short but muscular with black hair that fell to his shoulders, grey eyes, and a pale complexion. "Maybe not her visage specifically, but her aura is something that I've felt before..." He walked closer to (Y/N), and she could see that he wore a dark jacket that covered his entire body along with a skull-designed mask over his mouth, continuing, "Ah. Now I remember. This type of aura was something I felt during the massacre of the town, Findell. When Shalnark and I arrived, everyone was dead."

"Huh?" Shalnark perked up at the mention of his name, placing a finger to his chin. "Well, now that you mention it, Feitan, you're right..."

"You all don't know?" Hisoka leered in amusement from the corner he stood in.

"Know what?" Feitan's eyes narrowed.

"The woman before you is none other than Reaper, the harbinger of death herself," he smiled, showing off perfectly white teeth. "And it seems she had been alive for quite a long time..."

Everyone turned to her.

She didn't say anything.

"Reaper or not, she is (Y/N) to me," Chrollo smiled as she fiddled with a lock of her hair. "Now that I have her again, I will make sure that she can never leave me again."


To be continued...

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now