Chapter 27

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A couple of days later

David P.O.V

I usually love my job because of the new art pieces I can make daily, but every time we get around the holiday season, especially Valentine's Day, I sometimes wish I'd chosen a different career.

"David, can you do a portrait of me and my wife for Valentine's Day?" one of my customers asked. 

"Yea, yea, sure," I say, writing his name and number down along with what he's asking for.

"David, could you possibly do a nude portrait of my wife?" Another customer asked.

"Uhh, no, I don't take requests where the person is in the complete nude. I can do one where she has some form of cover, though," I say, feeling extremely weirded out that he would ask another man to draw his wife with absolutely nothing on.

I've been a professional artist for about eight years, at first, I started as a simple online business. There was no building like what I have now, but it was still a great start.

Something I always tell my customers, though, is I don't do naked portraits or anything that involves you being in the nude. It makes me uncomfortable, so that's one of the top rules I've always stuck to.

Most customers see that as unprofessional, but I couldn't care less. They're not running my business. I am, so I make up the rules as I see fit.

Something most people need to understand, though, is that all artists are different. Some are fine with it, while others are not. I fall into the group that isn't fine with it.

" Yeah, that works. I can bring a silk sheet or something if that's fine with you?" He says, pulling out his phone to probably text his wife that there will be a change of plans concerning the art.

"Yeah, that's fine," I say flatly, trying to keep up with all these orders.

The way it's looking, I would say there are about twenty to forty people in here, all yelling for requests, and here I am with no secretary trying to hear everyone's order, deeply regretting that I haven't looked into getting a secretary yet.

Jackson is going to make fun of me later for this, but I'm probably going to be too tired to care or give him a reaction.

The only thing I'm concerned about right now is fulfilling these orders so I can make my money, pay these bills, buy my daughter and Jennifer something special for Valentine's Day since I've already put out a notice that I will be closed that day cause Jennifer has a date planned for us, and what I am possibly going to eat since I didn't have the chance to eat breakfast this morning cause I was running late and I stupidly forgot to grab my lunch from out the fridge.

So I'm running on a good amount of sleep but zero food in my stomach.

What a great day this is turning out to be.

Hours later, after what felt like rush hour traffic with these customers, everything finally died down, giving me the relief I'd been waiting for.

Even though I'm still starving and feel like my insides are eating at me, I still appreciate that my work day has calmed down to a nice and steady pace.

"Could you paint a picture of me and my wife in Paris? It's where we first met," an elderly man requested, a light smile appearing on his face.

"Paris, huh?" I asked while writing down his name, number, and request on a separate piece of paper.

I usually write down your name and number in one notebook while I write down your request in another. It's simple and easier for me to maintain that way.

"Yeah, she was a seamstress at this local clothing store, and I used to purposely rip my clothes twice a week just to go and see her," he explains as this wholesome light flickers in his eyes.

"Eventually, she caught on to what I was doing and asked me out on a date, which caught me completely by surprise. I was convinced that she wasn't interested in me, but as she's done for the past fifty years, she proves me wrong every chance she gets," he chuckled, sitting in a nearby chair.

"It sounds like you've had a very happy marriage. I hope I one day experience that same happiness, too."

I wonder if Jennifer and I will ever reach a point where we will get married and live a great life together.

"You don't have a significant other?," he asks, looking oddly confused.

"I do. We've been going out for a month and a couple of weeks now, but it feels like I've known her forever," I smile, sitting beside him.

"That's how love will make you feel. Even though you've only known that certain someone for a short period of time, you can just feel in your heart that she's for you and that you've known her longer than you think. It's good that young folks still experience that today," he nods, crossing his arms.

"Have you told her that you love her?" He suddenly asked, catching me off guard.

"No," I respond sadly. "We're taking things slow, which I don't mind because I completely respect every decision she makes, but I still show her how much she means to me. There are times when she feels she isn't worth anything, and that pains me alot, but it just encourages me to show her how precious she is to me."

"She sounds like a lucky woman to have a man like you in her life," he compliments.

"Yeah, I just sometimes wonder if she loves me back."

He places his hand on my shoulder and gives me this look of encouragement.

"Young man, as someone who knows how scary it is to tell a woman they love how they truly feel, I say you should tell her when you feel the time is right. It may be scary because they might not say it back at first, but that doesn't mean that they won't say it eventually. So, if you truly love this woman as much as you say you do, you'll continue to show her how much you love her and tell her as well."

He's right.

I have no doubt that she cares about me, but I don't know if she loves me, and if I don't gain the bravery to tell her that I love her, I'll never find out, leaving me wondering if she does for who knows how long.

"I think I know when I'm going to tell her that I love her," I say, leaning back in my chair.

"When would that be?".

"On Valentine's Day, there's no other day that's more perfect to tell her I love her, so I'll tell her that day." I smile, imagining her surprised but happy look when I do.

"That's perfect," he pats my shoulder several times while standing back up. " I pray good things happen afterward for the two of you, but I should be taking my leave now. I've wasted enough of your time talking about the joys of love, and my wife will have a heart attack if I don't come home soon," he jokes, walking to the exit.

"Alright, enjoy the rest of your day, Mr.Vargas." I semi-yell, waving him goodbye. "I'll call or text you soon to let you know when your order is ready."

"Sounds good." he waves back and then exits the building.

Standing up, I walk back to the desk I have set in the middle of the floor, hoping I will finish these last few orders sooner than I expect.

Alright, back to business.

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