21 - Snowed in with Sukuna

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"Okay . . . this place looks AMAZING!" You let go of your luggage handle and looked around. The ski resort had everything. A bar. A fireplace. Seats.

Well... really nice luxury seats.

But it was amazing! Nobara, Yuta, Gojo and Megumi had gone to check you in. Yuji (and consequently Sukuna) decided to stay back with you, exploring the hotel lobby.

"I know right!" He pointed out the window, "Oh my god, look at the slopes! It's so . . . angular!"

Sukuna popped up on his cheek. "You mean steep?"

Yuji rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say Mr dictionary."

You chuckled at their exchange, then turned your gaze to the grand fireplace crackling merrily in the center of the lobby. The ambiance was perfect—crisp mountain air, the scent of pine and cedar, and the cozy warmth of the fire.

Yuji glanced around, clearly excited about the snow-capped slopes and the potential for some epic skiing or snowboarding. "This is going to be amazing. I can't wait to hit the slopes tomorrow."

Sukuna's voice, tinged with a hint of mischief, interjected, "You better not embarrass yourself out there. I'd hate to have to listen to your complaints about how you wiped out on the first turn."

Yuji grinned. "Oh, you'll see. I've got this."

You giggled and wrapped your arms around Yuji's arm. "That's the spirit. And once again, thanks for letting me drool on you during the flight."

He laughed and kissed the crown of your head. "Oh absolutely."

You grimaced, "Sorry if I grossed you out, Sukuna."

The curse laughed. "Believe me. You don't gross me out."

You didn't get a chance to respond. Just then, the lobby's large windows darkened as thick, swirling snow began to fall heavily. The once clear view of the slopes turned into a white, blustery blur.

"Wow," you said, trying to peer through the thickening snowstorm outside. "It's really coming down out there."

Yuji's excitement waned slightly as he watched the snow accumulate faster. "Uh, that doesn't look like it's letting up anytime soon. Think we're going to get stuck here?"

Sukuna's smirk grew. "Looks like we might be snowed in."

Yuji groaned. "Great. Just what we needed. A snowstorm on our first day here."


Sukuna's voice was ringing in Yuji's ears.

"Get her away from the rest of them. Get to a different part of the building or something. Get us snowed in with her."

Yuji frowned, his mood darkening with Sukuna's words. He glanced at you, then back at the snowstorm outside. He replied in his head. "What are you talking about, Sukuna?"

Sukuna's voice took on a more insistent tone. "You heard me. This is an opportunity. The others won't be able to help if they're stuck somewhere else. It's just the two of you."

Yuji's gaze flickered towards the entrance, where Nobara, Yuta, Gojo, and Megumi were supposed to be coming back soon. They had their own plans and, ideally, you all would stick together. But the prospect of being alone with you, in a cozy part of the hotel away from the rest of the group, was oddly appealing.

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