53. claimed you (last)

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Taehyung was crying still in Jungkook's room. The file was on the bed. Jungkook transferred the mansion to his name. After a long time he finally, wiped his tears and walked outside from the room.

He walked straight to the kitchen and watched some maids quickly making some food. After glancing at the dishes he noticed all of them were his favourite dishes.

"Where is Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung?" He didn't ask about Hoseok because he knew he was the right hand of Jungkook who couldn't leave him even for a moment.

"Sir... he is not here... even... we're the all who were leaving here, waiting for you." A maid responds respectfully to him. Whose heart was broken brutally.

"So... I'm the most hateful person for Jeon's family." He chuckled and glared at the food.

"Don't make more... eat what you want and you all can stay here, I... I can't stay here. I have a home... yeah... I don't want this mansion empty..." he wiped his tears and left the mansion with the file and letter.

"What? Agh... just... just deal with him I don't wanna deal with it now. I need to sleep." Jungkook growled and hung up at Hoseok who was dealing with some shipments from Italy.

He walked to his king-size bed and lay down, holding his cell phone and looking at the beautiful person of his life.

"Baby... I hope you're fine now. You asked me to return the happiness of your life, your family. I hope you're the happiest person now...

I know your confession, but that was the guilt. I know you'll be happy without me.

I was just fulfilling the promise to save your family and you..." a lonely tear escaped from his eyes and he went to his dreamland with the picture of his baby in his hand.

"Taehyung... someone is here to meet you." A boy informed Taehyung who was working on a project of ten paintings from the company from where he always received orders.

It's been four years, everything was normal. The mansion was a calm place for Taehyung and even he completed his projects there, painting Lonely.

Heera was doing a job in her father's company that belonged to Jeon's. Jungkook and Hoseok were nowhere to be seen. Yoongi was like he vanished from his life years ago.

Everything was changed but still Taehyung got comfortable in the Jeon's mansion as someone was protecting him. Even he hires some new staff there too. But he couldn't find out about the boy Soobin. That was a painful mystery for him.

"Okay..." Taehyung quickly put the palette down and wiped his hands quickly, walked down to the launch. Where a black-haired man sitting on the couch whose back was facing Taehyung.

"Are you the person who Mr. Park asked me to send the paint-

YOONGI Hyung..."

He was shocked to see Yoongi after many years. He was worried for him and didn't think to hug him tightly.

After some emotional hug, he pushed back harshly, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

"Where were you all the time? I was looking for you desperately. I needed you that time but you were like... not exist in the world." Yoongi let him speak then he spoke calmly.

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