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"Jude! Jude!" Cardan exclaims, running to Jude with the goofiest grin on his face.

"Calm down, Cardan. What is it?" Jude inquires, a flicker of confusion and curiosity passing through her normally confident demeanor.

"I just found out something!" Cardan pants, trying to catch his breath with his hands on his knees.

"What is it?" Jude asks, now fidgeting with the wooden figure in her hands and raising an eyebrow at Cardan.

"I just found out that," Cardan pants, "that I can fit the whole world in my hands!"

"Cardan, that is physically impossible." Jude says, not looking puzzled at all as if she was expecting Cardan to say something like this.

"No, no, I can prove it to you!" Cardan exclaims, that goofy grin back on his face and his tail wagging like crazy.

"Okay, prove it to me, then," Jude says, putting the wooden figure down on the table behind her that she's leaning on.

Cardan cups Jude's face in his palms and his grin turns into a loving smile, "See? I told you so," he tells her, speaking much softer now than a minute earlier.

Jude feels the blood rush to her cheeks and the tips of her rounded ears, "Cardan, I have a reputation." Jude says softly, blushing now.

She was happy and surprised at the same time, but not as surprised as when he clashed his lips against hers.

Cardan pulls back, resting his forehead against hers, "You, my darling nemesis, are my whole world." He mutters under his breath.

"I figured."

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