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Cardan had just made the biggest mistake of his immortal life.

He had said no to Jude.

She wanted to go to the mortal world for a date.

And what does that dumbass (no offence to our king) say?


"Cardan- please?" Jude whines, trying to give him puppy eyes, but being raised by a Redcap, she couldn't.

"No, Jude. I have work."

"You don't work! I make all your descisions for you!"

"Hey, I chose between red or white mortal wine! That is a ginormous decision!" Exclaims Cardan, holding up a finger.

Jude suppresses her smile but fails to do so and grins. But then she suppresses it again.

Seeing this, Cardan says," What's so funny?"

"You are so damn childish, you know that?"

"Yes," he mutters, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"You shall go out with me or face a mortifying, long, torturous, death!" Exclaims Jude. Obviously, she meant it as a joke- (She didn't).

"Jude, is that even legal?"

"In the mortal world, no. But here if Elfhame, I'm the High Queen," Jude boasts, grinning.

"And I'm the high king."

Jude then picks up a dagger.

Made of paper.

But Cardan doesn't have to know.

She then chases him around their home with that paper dagger held in her hand, laughing.

(I can totally imagine Cardan running away from Jude holding a paper dagger, grinning, and Cardan's tail flailing around)

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