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I don't know for how long I stood there, in front of the door, staring into space. Seungmin had left me completely speechless. His words felt like a bullet in my brain, I couldn't function correctly after hearing my 3 years junior. This kid was younger than me, yet he just gave me a life lesson. I couldn't sleep at all that night. My mind was listing all the new informations :

- First : Sooki and Dk weren't a thing anymore

- Second : She hid it from me for the last two months

- Third : I had to decide what I wanted to do with my whole situation with her

- Fourthly : I couldn't talk to her until I figured it out because of Seungmin

- Fifthly : My boy was growing up quickly

This was too much information, and honestly, I didn't come up with any solutions for the first night. I couldn't think straight. I wanted to know why they broke things off. Even if Seung basically confirmed my theory, I wanted to be sure. I was counting for the tenth time the number of tiles on the ceiling when Felix got me out of my trance: "Get ready mate, we're leaving soon.". He looked at my face and frowned. "Wow, did you get some sleep ?? You look terrible !". I sighed : "Thanks mate, for your kind words. No, I didn't sleep.". "Jetlag ?". I nodded. It was easier to say that than to explain the real reason. Today, we had some interviews and games with Spotify, and we had to get ready before going out. The fans were already in front of the hotel, waiting for us. So we had to be all made up.

I followed Felix to the room where we were getting some make-up. The whole group was already there, and of course, they didn't go easy on me. Hyunjin gave me his devilish smile : "Here is our favorite insomniac! You look like a zombie, Chan Hyung !". I smiled a bit and rubbed my face, not without showing him my middle finger. Binnie threw me a Redbull, with a concerned look : "Seriously, you good Chan ?". I reassured him : "Yeah, jetlag and a bit too much in mind, nothing I didn't face before.". I caught Seungmin and Han exchanging a look before Seung's eyes met mine. We looked at each other knowingly, but his eyes switched to something next to me. Or rather someone.

I hadn't time to turn my head before Sooki grabbed my hand : "Hey Chris, you okay ? Look at me.". She took my face between her hands and analyzed me. I froze the second her fingers touched my skin. My eyes wandered on her face. Gosh, she was beautiful. She wasn't wearing any make-up, yet I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She frowned, and I thought for a split moment about smoothing her frown. But I restrained myself. She took my hand and led me in front of the mirror to do my make-up. She blablered while trying to save my face with some concealer : "You look exhausted Channie, you can't keep all those thoughts to yourself. It's not healthy.". Her scolding me was a bit funny, knowing that she was the reason behind my sleepless night. She must have misunderstood my silence and thought I was a bit offended, because her voice became softer : "You should have come to me... I could have helped you...".

I winked and joked : "I bet I would sleep easily if you were in my arms.". I wanted to see her blush, but she caught me off guard by playing along : "Trust me, if I'm in your bed, no one will be able to sleep.". I choked and looked at her in shock. She lightly laughed and continued as if nothing happened. She did my make-up without any of us speaking. I was just observing her working, a bit fascinated. I've never noticed those little things before. The way she whispered unconsciously some words when she was done with each step. The way she lightly stuck her tongue when she was focusing. The way she held her breath so she could be more precise. The way she bit her lips to prevent from smiling when our eyes met. I was fascinated by her, all of her. She finished her make-up and turned around to search for something in her purse. "Here, I bought you this.". She handed me a little box and I frowned, confused. "It's medicine to help you sleep. The pharmacist told me it was all natural. I knew your insomnia would have been worse with the jetlag.". I fixed the box in my hand. She thought of me. She took care of me. She worried for me. I raised my head to lock my eyes in hers. "You're too good for this word, you know that ?". She chuckled and flipped her hair : "I know, I know.".

She was about to leave, but I grabbed her hand to stop her. "Sooki, I wanted to tell you -". Seungmin cut me off : "Sooki, I left my phone in our room. Can you bring it here, please ?". Sooki groaned but hurried herself to their room. Seungmin sat next to me, and took his phone out of his pocket, with a cheeky smile on his face. This bastard. "Well played." was all I was able to say. He winked at me : "I know I'm good.". A few minutes later, Sooki came back panting : "Seung, I didn't find it, do you remember the last time you -". She stopped mid-sentence, looking at Seungmin, who was proudly shaking his phone in her direction. The next second, she was on him, hitting him with her little fists. Changbin had to lift her up to stop the fight.

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