Chapter 19: Fast Talk

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The plane touched down in Manila, and as Serena gazed out the window, a wave of nostalgia washed over her. It had been years since she'd last set foot in the country of her birth, and the sight of the bustling cityscape stirred a mix of excitement and apprehension.

The past few weeks had been a whirlwind—racing across Europe with Severin, navigating her burgeoning acting career, and now, this unexpected trip back to the Philippines.

GMA Network had reached out with a proposal—an offer to sign her for future projects, coupled with an invitation to promote her role in Bridgerton, which was now fully airing.

The opportunity was too good to pass up. Serena felt a strange thrill at the thought of reconnecting with her roots, a part of her life that she hadn't realized she'd been missing until now.

As she exited the airport, the humid air enveloped her like a warm embrace, familiar and comforting. She hadn't expected the throngs of fans waiting for her—holding signs, waving banners, and flashing eager smiles.

Serena was taken aback by the sheer number of people who had come out to see her, their excitement palpable. It was a far cry from the quieter life she had known in Melbourne and the fast-paced, often impersonal atmosphere of Los Angeles.

"Welcome home, Serena!" a fan shouted, holding up a hand-drawn poster of her as her Bridgerton character.

"Salamat po!" Serena responded, her smile wide as she waved back.

The warmth in her chest grew as more fans called out, their love and support a tangible force. It made her realize just how much this place still meant to her.

Over the next few days, Serena was swept up in a whirlwind of interviews, meet-and-greets, and promotional events. Everywhere she went, the energy buzzed, an electric current that seemed to pulse through the crowds that gathered to see her.

Fans showed up in droves, their excitement palpable as they reached out to her with smiles, words of encouragement, and endless admiration. With each interaction, Serena felt a deep pride swell within her—an unspoken affirmation that she was representing not just herself, but an entire heritage on a global stage. The weight of it was heavy, but in the best way, grounding her with a renewed sense of purpose.

Yet, amidst the cheers and flashes of cameras, a quiet unease lingered in her heart. Severin's absence felt like a shadow following her everywhere she went. He was back in London, buried in the chaos of the Williams team, focused on uncovering the truth about the spy Theo Allard had supposedly planted.

Serena knew how much this mission meant to him—how it could shape his career, perhaps even the future of the team. She understood the gravity of his work, but that understanding didn't fill the empty space where he should have been.

One evening, after a particularly demanding day, Serena found herself alone in her hotel room. The vibrant city outside was muted, the energy of the day fading into the stillness of the night.

The silence pressed in, a stark contrast to the chaos she'd been navigating. She glanced at her phone, which lit up with a message from Severin.

Caught one of your interviews earlier. You're doing great. How's everything over there?

A small smile tugged at her lips as she read his words. She began typing back, the connection to him suddenly feeling more vital than ever.

It's been good, really. A lot to take in, but everyone's been so welcoming.

She paused, her thumb hovering over the send button. It struck her how much she missed their easy conversations, the way they could talk about anything and everything without effort. Finally, she sent the message, her chest tightening slightly as she did.

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