Prologue: Edge of Desperation

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Serena Cordeva had always known that the odds were against her. Born in the bustling streets of Manila, she was the daughter of hardworking parents who had taught her the value of perseverance and grit.

Her childhood in Manila was filled with the vibrant chaos of the city, where dreams often seemed as distant as the stars.

When her family moved to Melbourne in search of a better life, Serena found herself in a new world, one that was both challenging and full of possibilities.

It was in Melbourne that Serena discovered her love for acting. The stage became her sanctuary, a place where she could escape the difficulties of her new life and transform into anyone she wanted to be.

Every performance, every role she embodied, was a step closer to a dream she refused to let go of: to make it big in Hollywood.

Now, standing at 5'3" with an hourglass figure that turned heads but didn't quite reach the standards of the Hollywood elite, Serena was objectively pretty.

She had fair skin that seemed to glow under the lights, long dark hair that framed her face perfectly, and almond-shaped, slightly smaller eyes that gave her an exotic allure.

She knew she wasn't the most stunning woman in the room—not the kind that graced Victoria's Secret runways—but she also knew that her appeal lay in her unique blend of charm, determination, and the subtle confidence that came from knowing exactly who she was.

Despite her beauty, Serena's journey in Los Angeles had been anything but easy. The competition was fierce, and while she had landed a few minor roles, the big break she yearned for remained out of reach.

The pressure of proving herself, especially as an underrepresented Asian actress in Hollywood, weighed heavily on her. Each day, the doubts grew stronger, gnawing at her resolve.

One evening, after yet another disheartening audition, Serena found herself wandering the streets of Los Angeles, lost in thought. She was tired—tired of the struggle, tired of the uncertainty.

As she passed by a small, unassuming storefront with a faded sign that read "Madame Esperanza Sorcellerie – Tarot Readings", something made her stop.

Normally, she would have kept walking, but tonight was different.

Tonight, she was desperate for answers, for some kind of sign that her efforts weren't in vain.

Her hand reached for the door almost involuntarily, and before she knew it, she was sitting across from an elderly woman with an unusual hint of bright red hair and piercing eyes that seemed to see right through her.

Madame Esperanza, with an aura of knowing, began to shuffle the worn tarot cards. Each movement was deliberate, almost ritualistic, as if the cards themselves held secrets waiting to be revealed.

"What is it you seek, child?" the tarot reader asked, her voice both soft and commanding.

Serena hesitated. She had come here on a whim, driven by a gnawing sense of desperation, but now that she was here, the words felt foolish.

Still, she pushed forward.

"I... I need to know if my dream is worth it. If I'm on the right path."

Madame Esperanza nodded knowingly and laid the first card on the table.

"The Fool." she said, tapping the card with a long, slender finger.

"You stand at the beginning of a journey, one filled with uncertainty and potential. This card is a sign that you must take a leap of faith, even if the path ahead is unclear."

Serena's heart quickened. A leap of faith. Wasn't that what she had been doing all along, leaving behind her life in Melbourne, chasing a dream in the unforgiving city of Los Angeles?

The second card was revealed with a slow, deliberate motion.

"The Tower."

Serena's stomach twisted.

"That's... not good, is it?"

Madame Esperanza's gaze never wavered.

"The Tower represents upheaval, a tearing down of old structures. But this is not something to fear. It is a necessary destruction, clearing the way for new growth. Your actions will disrupt the status quo, breaking free from the limitations that hold you back."

Serena felt a chill run down her spine. Disruption. It was what she had been craving, wasn't it? Something to shake her life out of its stagnation.

Finally, Madame Esperanza revealed the third card: The Lovers.

Serena's breath caught in her throat. She had been expecting something more ominous, perhaps, but this card... it felt like a revelation.

"The Lovers." Madame Esperanza said, her voice dropping to a near whisper.

"This card is not just about romance. It speaks of a deep, transformative connection. The person you must connect with will alter your fate as much as you will alter theirs. Together, you will set off a chain reaction that could lead to the success you seek."

Serena leaned in, her heart pounding.

"But how will I know who this person is?"

Madame Esperanza's eyes locked onto Serena's with an intensity that made her shiver.

"Look for the signs. The number 55 will be important. It will guide you to this person. They are someone who has recently fallen from grace, someone who races against time, fighting to reclaim what they once had. You will meet them in a place filled with noise and speed, where every second counts."

Serena's mind raced, trying to piece together the cryptic clues. Someone who had fallen from grace, someone associated with the number 55... and the place of speed. It was almost too specific to ignore.

"The connection between you and this person is not to be taken lightly. The kiss you share will be the catalyst, the commitment to this new path. It will set in motion events that will change both of your destinies."

Serena sat back, the weight of the reading settling over her like a heavy cloak. It was absurd, wasn't it?

The idea that her future hinged on a kiss, on a connection with someone she hadn't even met yet. And yet... she couldn't shake the feeling that this was exactly what she needed to hear.

The signs, the clues—they were clear, concise, and impossible to ignore. She had to find this person, this man who raced against time.

She had to kiss him, convince him to join her on this path, and together... they would change everything.

Madame Esperanza's voice broke through her thoughts, gentle but firm.

"Do not doubt what you have heard today, child. The universe has a way of guiding us, even when the path seems unclear. Trust in the signs, and you will find your way."

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