Chapter 26: Movie Screening

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The air was thick with anticipation as Los Angeles prepared for the premiere of the latest Marvel film. For Serena, the night represented the culmination of months of hard work—a chance to step fully into the spotlight as Hollywood's newest star. The city buzzed with excitement, and the red carpet was set to be a spectacle like no other.

Serena stood in front of the mirror in her hotel suite, taking in her appearance. The elegant gown she had chosen for the evening hugged her figure perfectly, shimmering with every movement.

As she adjusted her earrings, a pang of disappointment tugged at her heart. Severin wouldn't be there with her tonight. He had told her earlier in the week that he couldn't make it due to the intense preparation for the upcoming Qatar Grand Prix. 

The Williams team was in the final stages of testing and strategy development, and every minute counted.

She understood, of course. The championship was his dream, and she fully supported his dedication. But as she looked at her reflection, the longing to have him by her side on such an important night was undeniable.

Her phone buzzed on the dresser, pulling her from her thoughts. She picked it up and saw a message from Severin.


Break a leg tonight, superstar. I wish I could be there with you. But I'm cheering you on from here. You're going to steal the show, I know it.

Serena smiled, her heart warming at his words. She quickly typed back a response.


Thank you, Sev. I know you're busy, but it means the world to me that you're thinking of me. I'll make sure to shine extra bright just for you. How's everything in Qatar?

She hit send and took a deep breath, trying to push the disappointment from her mind. 

Tonight was about celebrating her achievements, and she was determined to enjoy every moment of it, even if Severin couldn't be there.

Just as she was about to put her phone down, there was a knock at the door. Lulu, her manager, popped her head in, a wide grin on her face.

"Ready to go, Serena? The car's waiting downstairs."

Serena nodded, giving herself one last look in the mirror. 

"Let's do this."

As they rode to the premiere, Serena's thoughts drifted back to Severin. She pictured him in Qatar, fully immersed in his preparations, and felt a mixture of pride and longing. She knew he was exactly where he needed to be, but a part of her wished he could be here, to share in the excitement and nerves of the night.

The red carpet was a flurry of activity, with photographers and reporters clamoring for attention. As Serena stepped out of the car, she was immediately greeted by a wave of cheers and the blinding flashes of cameras. She smiled, waving to the crowd as she made her way down the carpet, stopping to pose for photos and speak with the press.

As she moved along the line of reporters, one of them called out to her.

"Serena, you've had an incredible year—Bridgerton, Marvel, and your relationship with Formula 1's Severin Rossi. How does it feel to be at the top of your game in both your career and your personal life?"

Serena's smile softened as she thought of Severin. 

"It's been an amazing journey. I'm incredibly grateful for all the opportunities I've had, and having someone by my side has made it even more special."

The reporter leaned in, clearly intrigued. 

"Speaking of Severin, will he be here tonight?"

Serena's smile faltered slightly, but she quickly recovered. 

"He's preparing for the Qatar Grand Prix, so he couldn't make it. But I know he's cheering me on from afar."

Just as she finished speaking, there was a sudden commotion near the entrance of the red carpet. The reporters and photographers shifted their attention, and Serena turned to see what was causing the stir.

Her breath caught in her throat as she saw him—Severin. Dressed in a sharp, tailored suit that perfectly complemented his athletic build, he was making his way down the carpet with that signature confident stride. 

The crowd erupted in cheers as they recognized him, the cameras flashing wildly as he approached.

For a moment, Serena was frozen in place, unable to believe what she was seeing. But as Severin's eyes locked onto hers, a slow, disbelieving smile spread across her face.

"Surprise." Severin said softly as he reached her, his voice barely audible over the noise of the crowd.

"Sev... what are you doing here?" Serena managed to say, her voice filled with both joy and astonishment.

Severin grinned, taking her hand and lifting it to his lips for a gentle kiss. 

"I couldn't miss this. Not for anything. The team's got things under control, and I wanted to be here with you. I know how important this night is."

Serena's eyes welled with tears, but she quickly blinked them away, not wanting to smudge her makeup.

 "I can't believe you're really here." she whispered.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else. Tonight is your night, and I wanted to be here to celebrate with you." he replied, his gaze full of warmth.

They shared a quiet moment in the midst of the chaos, the world around them fading away as they focused on each other. Finally, Severin squeezed her hand, a playful glint in his eye.

"Shall we walk this red carpet together?"

Serena laughed, her earlier disappointment completely forgotten. 

"Let's do it."

As they made their way down the carpet together, the cameras captured every moment. The media, already buzzing with excitement over the premiere, went into overdrive at the sight of the power couple. 

Reporters scrambled to capture quotes and photos, and the internet was soon flooded with images of Severin and Serena, their chemistry undeniable.

When they finally reached the end of the carpet and entered the theater, Serena felt like she was floating. The screening room was filled with Hollywood's elite, and as the lights dimmed, she glanced over at Severin, who was seated beside her.

"You don't realize how much I appreciate you being here." she whispered, her hand finding his in the darkness.

"Now let's see this masterpiece you've been working on." Severin whispered back, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

As the movie began to play, Serena couldn't help but steal glances at Severin, watching his reactions as the story unfolded on the screen. 

Every time he smiled, laughed, or leaned in closer to the action, her heart soared. She knew that this night would be unforgettable, not just because of the film, but because Severin was there to share it with her.

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