Chapter 28: An Old Friend

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The sun bathed Melbourne in a warm, golden glow as Severin and Serena strolled through the bustling streets, hand in hand. The city buzzed with activity, its laneways filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and the hum of conversation.

It was a different pace from the world of Formula 1, and Severin found himself savoring the slower rhythm of life here, especially with Serena by his side.

Over the past few days, they had fallen into a comfortable routine, exploring the cozy corners of Melbourne, enjoying its eclectic mix of culture, food, and art.

Serena had taken him to her favorite spots—quaint cafes, hidden bookstores, and quiet parks where they could simply be together, away from the public eye.

Their first stop this morning was a cozy café nestled in one of Melbourne's famous laneways. The familiar atmosphere immediately put Serena at ease, and Severin couldn't help but smile at the way her face lit up with nostalgia.

They found a quiet table near the back, where they could enjoy their coffee in relative peace. Serena's best friend, Carla, soon joined them, her bright smile and infectious energy bringing a new level of warmth to the table.

"Serena!" Carla exclaimed, pulling her into a tight hug.

"It's so good to see you! And you must be Severin."

Severin grinned as he shook Carla's hand. 

"That's me. I've heard a lot about you, Carla."

Carla laughed. 

"I hope Serena hasn't been telling all my secrets."

Severin chuckled. 

"Only the good ones."

They quickly dove into a conversation, catching up on old times and sharing recent events. Severin listened with interest, enjoying the dynamic between Serena and Carla. He could see how close they were, and it warmed his heart to see Serena so relaxed and happy.

As they chatted, someone suddenly appeared at their table, seemingly out of nowhere. Severin hadn't even noticed him walk in. A tall, confident-looking man was now standing beside them, a wide smile on his face that seemed a bit too familiar with Serena.

"Serena, hi! I knew it was you, especially since you're with Carla." the man greeted, his tone warm, and his eyes flickering with a hint of something more.

Serena's smile faltered just a fraction before she quickly recovered. 

"Nick, hello! How are you?" she replied, her tone polite.

Severin glanced at Serena, noting the surprise in her eyes. She had never mentioned this man before. As Nick slid into the seat beside Carla, Severin quickly pieced together that this wasn't just a random encounter. There was something about the way he looked at Serena that suggested he was still holding onto something more.

"And you must be Severin. I've seen your name in the news recently, especially with Serena. Nice to meet you." Nick said, turning his attention to Severin with a smile that was more calculated than friendly.

Severin shook his hand, his grip firm. 

"Likewise." he replied, keeping his tone civil. There was no point in being anything less, but he couldn't ignore the simmering annoyance he felt.

Nick settled into the conversation as if he belonged there, but at first, his tone was light, friendly even. He praised Serena, reminiscing about their time in high school and how she was always the brightest star.

"You know, Serena, I always knew you were destined for great things. You had that spark even back then. I mean, look at you now—an actress, living your dream. I'm really proud of you." Nick said, his voice warm with nostalgia. 

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