Chapter 25: Back to LA

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The sun was just beginning to rise over the London skyline as Severin and Serena pulled up to Heathrow Airport. The early morning light bathed the city in a soft, golden glow, but despite the picturesque scene, a heavy feeling hung in the air between them. 

Serena was heading back to Los Angeles, her role in Bridgerton having wrapped up, and now the real work of promoting the show—and her burgeoning Hollywood career—was about to begin.

Severin parked the car and turned to Serena, a teasing smile playing on his lips despite the underlying sadness in his eyes. 

"Are you sure you don't want to just hide out in Spain with me instead? I promise the beaches are better than LA." he asked, his tone light but carrying a hint of seriousness.

Serena chuckled, shaking her head. 

"As tempting as that sounds, I've got work to do in LA. Besides, someone has to keep an eye on you from across the pond."

Severin reached over and took her hand, his thumb brushing gently over her knuckles. 

"You know, in Formula 1, we're always traveling around the world. It's no big deal. I can come see you whenever I'm not on track. And we'll make it work, Serena. Don't worry."

Serena looked into his warm, reassuring eyes and nodded, trying to push back the feelings of sadness that were beginning to creep in. 

"I know we will. It's just... I'm going to miss you so much."

Severin leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, intimate tone. 

"You're not going to miss me for long..." he murmured, his eyes glinting with a mix of playfulness and desire. 

"After all, we'll be seeing each other soon enough. And when we do, I'll make sure to remind you of just how much you've been missing me." he continued.

Serena blushed, her mind immediately flashing back to the night before - their last night together before she had to leave. They hadn't been able to keep their hands off each other, as if both of them were trying to memorize every inch of the other's body before being separated by an ocean. 

The memory of their lovemaking—passionate, tender, and unrelenting—flooded her senses, making her skin tingle with the ghost of his touch.

And then there was that wild, intense moment in the driver's room at the track. The way Severin had taken her, driven by a raw, unfiltered need to claim her, to show her that she was his. The public setting, the risk of being caught, had only heightened the thrill. It was something she never expected to do, but she couldn't deny the exhilaration of it all.

Severin noticed the blush creeping up her cheeks and grinned. 

"What are you thinking about? Last night? Or maybe... the driver's room?" he asked, his voice teasing as if he could read her mind.

Serena's blush deepened, and she playfully swatted his arm. 

"Sev! You're impossible."

He laughed, the sound warm and rich, before leaning in to capture her lips in a lingering kiss. 

"I know, but you love me for it." he murmured against her lips, his hand gently cradling her face.

The kiss was soft and full of promise, a silent vow that despite the distance, their connection would remain as strong as ever. When they finally pulled apart, Severin pressed his forehead against hers, his voice softening. 

"I'm going to miss you too, you know. Now go conquer Hollywood, but don't forget to save some time for me."

Serena smiled, her heart aching in the best way possible. 

With a final kiss and a tight embrace, Serena reluctantly pulled away and headed into the airport. She glanced back one last time to see Severin watching her, his hands in his pockets, a small, bittersweet smile on his face. 

And then she was gone, swallowed up by the bustle of travelers and the promise of a new chapter in her life.

As Serena boarded the plane, she found herself gazing out the window, watching as London slowly disappeared beneath the clouds. Her thoughts drifted to Severin, their time together, and the uncertain future that lay ahead. 

She knew the distance would be challenging, but she also knew that what they had was worth fighting for. The memory of his touch, his voice, and the way he looked at her filled her with a sense of determination. No matter how busy her life in LA became, she was determined to keep their connection strong.

When she landed in Los Angeles, the familiar hustle and bustle of the city greeted her, but it felt different this time. The bright lights of Hollywood seemed almost overwhelming, a stark contrast to the intimacy she had shared with Severin just hours before. As she stepped out of LAX and into the waiting car, she couldn't shake the feeling of longing that settled in her chest.

She missed him already.

But there was no time to dwell on it. Her schedule was packed, and as soon as she arrived at her apartment, Lulu was there, practically bursting with excitement.

"Serena, you won't believe the offers we're getting! More endorsements, brand deals, invitations to every major event... Hollywood just can't get enough of you!" Lulu exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she handed Serena a tablet filled with new opportunities.

Serena laughed, feeling a mix of disbelief and gratitude. 

"It's all happening so fast, Lulu. I'm just trying to keep up!"

Lulu plopped down on the couch beside her, scrolling through the latest offers. 

"And it's only going to get crazier, especially with Bridgerton blowing up the way it is. Plus, Marvel is just around the corner. You're about to become one of the biggest stars in the world, Serena. I hope you're ready."

Serena took a deep breath, feeling the weight of those words. 

"I think so." she said slowly, her mind drifting back to Severin. 

The thought of him kept her grounded, reminding her of what truly mattered amidst all the chaos. Despite the whirlwind of her career, she knew that their connection was strong enough to withstand the challenges ahead.

As her career soared, the media became increasingly obsessed with her relationship with Severin. Headlines and articles about the "power couple" flooded the internet, with photos of them together circulating like wildfire. 

Severin, now a serious contender for the World Drivers' Championship, was already a media darling with his good looks and underdog story. Combined with Serena's breakout success, they were quickly becoming one of the most talked-about couples in the world.

One evening, as Serena prepared for yet another Hollywood event, she caught a glimpse of her phone lighting up with a new notification. It was a photo of her and Severin from one of their recent public appearances, the caption reading: "F1's Rising Star and Hollywood's Newest Darling: The Ultimate Power Couple?"

She smiled to herself, her heart swelling with pride. Despite the distance, despite the demands of their respective careers, Serena knew they were in this together. The world could speculate all it wanted, but only she and Severin truly understood the depth of their connection.

As she stepped out into the bright lights of Hollywood, she carried that connection with her—knowing that no matter where their paths took them, they would always find their way back to each other.

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