Chapter 21: Storm of Wrath

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The sky hung heavy and gray, mirroring the storm raging inside Severin as he made his way to Serena's apartment. Each step felt like it carried the weight of the world, his mind a chaotic mess of anger, frustration, and something more dangerous—something he didn't want to name.

The images of Serena laughing with her co-star James, the intimate scenes from Bridgerton that had gone viral, and the lewd, disrespectful comments from his fellow drivers looped in his head, fueling the fire that burned within him.

By the time he reached her building, Severin's anger had reached a fever pitch. He barely registered the steps as he ascended them, his heart pounding with a mix of rage and anticipation. When he finally reached her door, he didn't hesitate—his knock was sharp, impatient, almost demanding.

The door opened, and there she was—Serena, looking up at him with wide eyes, a mixture of surprise and concern etched on her face.

"Severin?" she asked, her voice soft but laced with confusion.

She hadn't expected him to show up unannounced, especially not with the stormy expression darkening his features.

Severin didn't waste any time.

"What the hell are you thinking, Serena?"

His voice was low, almost a growl, but the anger in it was unmistakable. He stepped into the apartment without waiting for an invitation, closing the door behind him with a force that echoed in the small space.

Serena blinked, taken aback by his sudden entrance.

"What's going on? What are you talking about?"

He took a step closer, the space between them narrowing to an almost suffocating closeness.

"Do you have any idea what it's like to hear people talking about you like that? To see you being objectified like you're just... just something for them to drool over? And I'm supposed to just stand by and watch?"

Serena's initial shock quickly morphed into anger. The intensity of his words, the way he was looming over her, it all sent her pulse racing with a mix of fear and fury.

"This is my job, Severin!" she snapped back, her voice rising as she met his gaze head-on.

"I'm an actress, and those scenes are part of it. You knew that from the start! How dare you come in here and make me feel like I've done something wrong?"

Severin's eyes flashed with something wild, something raw.

"This isn't just about your job!" he shot back, his voice cracking with the strain of holding back.

"You think I don't understand what acting involves? But this—this is different. Everyone thinks we're together, and I can't stand hearing those comments, seeing those scenes, knowing that people are talking about you like that!"

Serena's breath hitched as he stepped even closer, his presence overwhelming. She could feel the heat radiating off him, the tension crackling in the air between them.

"We're not together, Severin." she said, her voice trembling with a mix of emotions.

"It's not real. So why do you care so much? Why does it matter what people say or think?" she continued.

His frustration boiled over, his fists clenching at his sides as he struggled to keep his emotions in check.

"Not real? You think this is fake?"

His voice was hoarse with anger, and he stared at her like he was seeing her for the first time.

"How can you say that after everything we've been through? After everything I've done to show you how much I care? You think this is all just pretend?"

Serena's heart pounded in her chest, her own anger rising to match his. She had never seen Severin like this—so intense, so furious. But she wasn't about to back down.

"Then say something, Severin! You act like you care, like you're sweet and thoughtful, but you never say anything! How am I supposed to know what you're feeling? And how do I know you're not like this with all your other girls!?" she challenged, her voice shaking.

The silence that followed was thick with tension, the kind that made the air feel heavy and hard to breathe.

Severin's eyes bore into hers, and for a moment, she thought he might reach out to her, but instead, he took a shaky breath, trying to find the words that had been lodged in his throat for so long.

"You're different, Serena." he said finally, his voice raw with emotion.

"I already told you! I've never felt this way about anyone before! Those other girls—they didn't matter. They were just... they were just there for fun, for sex. But you... you're not like them."

Serena's breath caught at his words, her chest tightening with a mix of confusion and something else—something that scared her as much as it intrigued her. But she wasn't ready to let go of her anger just yet.

"How can I believe that?" she whispered, her voice cracking slightly.

"How can I be different when everything about us is so different? You're from this aristocratic, old-money family, surrounded by people who are nothing like me. How am I supposed to believe that I'm anything more than just... just another girl to you?"

Severin's control finally snapped.

"Because I'm terrified, Serena!" he burst out, his voice breaking.

"Terrified that if I tell you how I really feel, you'll push me away. Terrified that you'll think this is just another fling when it's not! I don't know how to do this, Serena. I've never cared about anyone the way I care about you, and it's driving me insane."

Serena stared at him, her heart hammering in her chest as she took in the desperation in his voice, the vulnerability in his eyes. She wanted to believe him, wanted to trust the sincerity in his words, but it was so hard.

Everything about him, about them, was so different from anything she had ever known.

But before she could say anything, before she could even process what was happening, Severin moved. His hand shot out, grabbing her wrist with a force that made her gasp, pulling her closer until their bodies were nearly touching. The space between them was charged, the air thick with unresolved tension, anger, and something deeper.

"You can't just walk away from this. Don't walk away from me, Serena." he whispered, his voice rough and desperate.

Her heart raced as she stared up at him, the anger that had fueled their argument now mingling with something else—something she couldn't quite name but felt deep in her bones. The way he was looking at her, the intensity in his eyes—it made her head spin, her emotions whirling in a confusing mix of anger, fear, and undeniable attraction.

And then, in a flash of heat and fury, Severin's lips crashed down on hers. The kiss was anything but gentle—it was fierce, almost bruising, as if he was trying to convey everything he couldn't say with words. His hands moved to her face, his fingers tangling in her hair as he deepened the kiss, pulling her closer, needing her closer.

Serena's mind went blank as she kissed him back with equal fervor, her hands clutching at his shirt, her nails digging into the fabric as she poured all of her confusion, her frustration, her desire into the kiss. It was intense, overwhelming, and it felt like the only thing that made sense in the chaos of their emotions.

They were both still angry, still high on the adrenaline of their argument, and the kiss only heightened that tension. It was as if they were fighting through the kiss, battling each other for control, for dominance, for something neither of them could fully understand.

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