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We walked into the front room, where there was all these youtubers scattered around the carpeted floor.

"EVA!" I heard a South African voice from behind me.

"CASPAR!" I yelled back to the blonde-haired boy.

"How are you? Are you excited for the panel?" he asked.

"What panel?"

"Did your parents not tell you? You're in a panel with Zoe, Tanya, Niomi, Hannah, Grace, Mamrie, and Emilia! All the British boys and I will be there!" He said with a smile on his face.

I slowly turned around and saw my mum and dad fiddling with their fingers. "We were gonna tell you, just not right now."

I smiled ear-to-ear, showing my famous dimples, and hugged them both.

*1 hour later*

I smoothed out Emilia's shirt and hiked up her jeans, which were falling down just enough so I could see her bum-crack.

I heard Grace, Mamrie, and Hannah saying hi to all the other girls on the panel as they filed in. The Holy Trinity (Grace, Hannah, and Mamrie) were in charge of this panel, while we all followed along with it.

"And let's welcome to the stage these two brunnete, Irish cuties: Evalynn and Emilia SacconeJoly!" Hannah welcomed us on-stage.

Well, it was kind-of a stage. There was a little raised bit in front of rows and rows of folding chairs for the viewers to sit it. On top of the 'stage' there was two fluffy black sofas with little red pillows on them and three red stools for the Holy Trinity to sit on.

I walked on stage, with Emilia trailing behind me smiling. I sat on the couch next to Zoe and Emilia sat on my lap, while Tanya and Niomi sat on the opposite sofa.

I was handed a microphone for me and Emilia to share. "Hi everyone!" I said, and there was a wave of applause. I could see the British boys clapping like idiots in the front row. "I'm Evalynn ScconeJoly, also known as Eva, and this is my little sister Emilia." Emilia did her little wave and everyone 'awwed'.

The panel went great, and I was asked questions like, "What's it like having a family who vlogs everyday?""Why does everyone question about your nanny?""Are you excited for Disney Land?" And a bunch of other ones that I've heard before.

As we were closing up the q&a, Emilia leaned into my ear and whispered,"Can I say hi to them?" and pointed at the YouTube boys.

I smiled and lead her over to them. She ran up to each of them and gave them a big hug. When she hugged Troye, he squeezed her so hard her white lace headband with the big white bow fell off and she started laughing. I put it back on her head and Mum, Dad, and Wardo hugged me and Emilia.

We were headed out the door with Eduardo on my hip when we were stopped by Grace Helbig and Hannah Hart.

"Hey!" Mum said, and they hugged.

"We were wondering if you guys wanted to come to a little YouTube get-together tonight? It'll be really fun, and it's right by the hotel pool," Hannah asked.

"Of course! Where and what time?" Dad replied, putting his camera down.

"Well, it's at 6:30 through 2am," Grace said. "And you know the little courtyard type thing next to the pool at the hotel?"

Dad nodded.

"It's right there, and you're welcome to stay as long as you want. There'll be snacks, beverages, and Mamrie Hart will be the bartender." Grace added.

"Okay, we'll probably stay until about 10, for the kids sake," Mum said with a smile.

"See ya there!" Mamrie yelled from the opposite side of the room.

I smiled and waved at the excited red-head. My family and I walked back to the front of the Vidcon convention center, where the go-cart was waiting to take us back to our hotel.

Okay guys, I hope you're liking my story so far, sorry to those who asked for an update and had to wait, my schedule was absolutely crazy!

I will only be updating when someone asks or when I get bored on my laptop xD

Bye bye y'all xx

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