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I woke up in the middle of the night with a headache.


I shot up in bed.

For all of you who don't know, I am a dancer/gymnast. I used to be on Dance Moms UK, but I quit because I got bigger jobs. 

The reason I woke up scared was because I was to perform on the main stage in front of EVERYONE at Vidcon 2015. When I say everyone, I mean everyone.

I'm doing a beautiful dance called "Unbeauty," which is one of the dances that Kalani, from Dance Moms, did a solo on. She's one of my very good friends, and she taught me the choreography via Skype and Facetime.

Abby mailed me the costume for the dance, which is a beautiful pink two-piece costume.

I completely forgot about it.

It was around 2am, which means that Tyler and Troye were still awake. Luckily they stay in the room right across from us.

I crept out of bed and put my giraffe onesie on. I tiptoed out of my room and exited our hotel room without waking anyone. I knocked on Troyler's door and waited. After about 10 seconds, the door slowly opened and Tyler, looking strangely energetic for 2 in the morning, led me in.

Their room was much bigger compared to ours, and it had a little kitchen in it. There were only 3 other youtubers there: Jenna, Colleen, and Joey Graceffa.

They smiled as I walked in and Colleen immediately saw my glum look on my face and beckoned me to sit on her lap. I half-smiled and complied.

"What's wrong? Why are you up at 2am?" Joey asked and tears started falling from my face. Colleen lent my head against her chest and rocked me back and forth.

Once I calmed down, Troye gave me a glass of water.

I sat up and wiped my tan cheeks to clear away the tears.

"I have to perform in front of everyone at Vidcon at Main Stage," I choked out. "All my friends from ALDC will be there and Abby too. I really don't wanna mess this up."

They congratulated me and told me how great I was. Then I realized that I hadn't stretched in four days, since before we left the UK.

"I need to stretch, is it okay to do it here? My parents are still asleep." I asked, and Jenna got that look on her face when she has an idea.

"We should do a video! You do the tricks, and we have to see if we can do them!" She said. "Can I borrow your camera Tyler?"

"Of course boo, I'm so excited!" He said, and went to the closet to get his camera.

I fixed my hair and put it in my donut bun, the bun that all dancers on ALDC wear. It was kinda hard without a mirror, but I did it.

Once the camera was rolling, Jenna did her intro and introduced all of us. After she did that, I sat on the ground and they all did the same.

"So first, we have to stretch. What you wanna do is a lunge. Like this," I said to the camera, and did a lunge. They copied. We stretched some more and then we started.

"The first thing we will do is a split. So put your good leg forward, and slide down." I said as I slid down to my side split.

The only one who was sort-of successful was Jenna, which I'm sure is because she works out a lot.

We all congratulated her, then moved on. "Next, we will do middle splits, or straddle," I said, and slid down into my middle split. Tyler screamed when I did it and I just laughed. No one really got down that far.

"Okay, now we will do some ballet stuff. So let's do some pirouettes. So balance you leg on the side of your knee, and spin. See how many you can get." I said, smiling. That one was pretty easy for some of them. Troye killed it though.

We did a couple more ballet things, then moved onto acro and gymnastics.

We did a cartwheel, which Joey killed, handstands which Joey, Jenna, and Troye got, a backbend, which Colleen got, a back walk-over which Colleen got again, and I even tried teaching them to do an aerial, which none of them got, obviously.

When we finished, it was around 4, so I said bye to all the sweaty youtubers and headed back to my room.

At breakfast, I didn't mention me going over to Tyler's room, which they'll find out eventually, but we talked about Main Stage and how I will prepare.

"I'm so excited for you Eva!" Dad said as he ate his omelet.

I ate my fruit, because I wanted to stay fit and healthy for the performance, and put on my outfit of the day.

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