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"Hi friends!" My dad said into the microphone. Everyone screamed and jumped up and down.

My mum, dad, Emilia, and Eduardo walked out in front of the big red curtain, and I heard cheers.

"I feel like I'll have nothing to do!" Kalani said, jumping up and down with anxiety.

I just squeezed her arm and we walked out, hand-in-hand. Everyone cheered, and three girls in the front yelled, "Oh my god! Is that Kalani Hilliker?!"

I glanced at her and she had a huge smile plastered on her face. I kissed her cheek and we went on with the meet&greet. 

It went very well, many people asked me about my main stage performance, and I told them that the dance I'm doing is a surprise and that they'll just have to wait to see.

Kalani was a big hit, and after about a half an hour, she had three loom bracelets, seven bows, and a bunch of cards and art.

"Was this worth it?" I asked as I wrapped my arm around her neck.

She nodded and ran ahead and did a cartwheel.

I smiled. "Oh, it's so on girl," I said and did a front-aerial.

"Puh-lease." She said, and did a round-off back tuck.

I did a round-off back handspring lay-out, and when I was about to do my lay-out, Emilia yelled, which made me freak out.

I landed with a crack on my tailbone, and I screamed as loud as possible.

"Owww!!!" I yelled, and my mum screamed for help.

My dad ran beside me and hugged me, for I was in a lot of pain.

"Help!" My mum yelled, and grabbed her phone and dialed 911.

She told the operator where we were, and what happened.

She put her phone back in her pocket and paced around.

I was laying on the carpeted floor, bawling my eyes out, with Kalani laying next to me, comforting me.

My dad was making sure the viewers weren't coming towards me, because we were just behind the curtain and they could hear me scream and my mum dialing 911.

After about six minutes, I heard the ambulance come into the parking lot and I closed my eyes and waited. The medics rushed towards me, with a stretcher and a bunch of masks and other stuff.

They lifted me onto the stretcher and put an oxygen mask on me, then gave me a couple painkillers.

We ran back, with me laying like a slug on the cot, Mum, Dad, and Kalani running alongside me, and Emilia and Wardo crying in Dad's arms.

The medics asked that they drive to the hospital by themselves, but Dad can stay in the ambulance with my siblings.

"I love you honey, I promise I will be right there in the hospital when you arrive," Mum kissed my forehead.

Kalani hugged me and ran with my mother back to the rental car.

The doctors lifted me into the back of the vehicle and Dad climbed in with Emilia and Wardo.

As we started moving, Emilia climbed onto the bed and curled up next to my head.

"Hi Emilia," I said. "You okay?"

She nodded and stuffed her face into my chest, her headband falling off.

Wardo was on the end of the stretcher, playing with my feet through the sheets, and Dad was kneeling next to the stretcher.

When we got to the hospital, which took about a half an hour since it was so far away, Dad lifted Emilia and Eduardo up and carried them over to Mum, while I was wheeled away.

Hey guys!

I'm sooooo sorry I haven't updated, we had to put my dog Jack down, and I just haven't gotten around to doing anything, tbh.

But I didn't forget about you guys, my amazing readers! Keep the ideas coming, because I dunno what to do with Eva now.

Bye bye y'all :)xx

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