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*10 minutes later*

I was napping on the hospital bed, with my mum, who was sitting on the folding chair in the corner of the room.

Apparently, I landed right on the bottom of my tailbone, which wasn't a big deal. It only hurt because it hit nerves.

Dad, Emilia and Kalani were down at the cafeteria grabbing lunch. Eduardo was picked up by Alfie and brought to his and Zoe's hotel room because he was getting grumpy and needed a nap.

It didn't hurt as much now. It only feels like a couple pins and needles now.

My doctor, Dr. Haverford, gave me a painkiller a couple minutes ago, so I felt a bit better. I still felt sore though.

"Mum?" I sat up in the bed.

She looked up.

"Am I going to be able to dance tomorrow?" I asked, playing with my hospital bracelet.

"If you feel better tomorrow, then yes. But if not, then we'll just ask one of the girls to do a dance in your place."

I nodded and leaned back.


I heard Emilia push the door open and run in. She jumped on the bed and sat on her knees.

"Are you hurt?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"Not anymore."

She smiled and jumped off the bed to get her doll from Mum.

"Hey," I heard the door creak open again, and Dad sat on my bed and gave me my coffee and turkey sandwich.

"Hey daddy," I said, sipping my coffee. "Where's Kalani?"

"She had to go back to the studio." He replied.

I nodded and glanced at my phone. I had gotten twenty-seven new messages, and six missed calls. I picked up my phone and scrolled through my feed.

Most of the messages and calls were from school friends, and I replied back to all them and looked at Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.

I had gotten a lot of 'get well' tweets and messages, and I tried to reply to as many as I could.

The door opened once again, and Alfie, Zoe, and Eduardo came in, holding big balloons.

Zoe ran over and hugged me, and Alfie tied the balloons to the bed and put Wardo next to me.

"Hi Eva, how're you doin?" Alfie asked, kneeling next to the bed.

I shrugged and sat up.

He smiled and got up. "Some people wanna see you, but I said that you might need some time."

"Okay, thanks dude," I said, and looked at Emilia playing with her American Girl Doll. I smiled.

"Emilia, do you like your new doll?" I asked, pulling back the sheet from the hospital bed and patting the spot next to me.

"Yeah, she's pretty." Emilia responded, climbing up and propping her doll so she was sitting.

"That's good." I said.

*Three hours later*

I propped my elbow on the edge of the car window and watched the palm trees whiz by. Emilia was fast asleep in her car seat, and Wardo was eating raisins and dribbling all over his shirt.

"How's your back?" Mum asked, looking back at me from the passenger seat.

"It feels better; no more pins and needles," I replied.

I glanced at my phone to check the time. I sighed.

It read 7:18. I still had to go over the dance AND meet with the rest of the ALDC. I internally groaned and leaned back in my seat.

We arrived at the hotel a half an hour later, and I hopped out the black rental car.

"You need help, Wardo?" I asked, unbuckling his straps and lifting him out of the car seat.

I put him down and he waddled to the front entrance, while Emilia trailed after him in her Sofia the First pajamas.

I smiled as they walked through the sliding automatic doors and were greeted by the desk operator.

I ran to the doors and picked up Wardo, because he had fallen and couldn't get up. I dusted off his Tiger onesie and lifted him on my hip.

Dad came in with his vlogging camera, closing out the vlog, and Emilia ran towards him to say 'Bye friends'.

Eduardo and I headed to the elevators before Mum, Dad and Emilia because they had to get some more sheets and pillows for Emilia's little cot.

"Just me and you, little man," I said, and pressed the '3' button, signaling to go to the third floor. I put Wardo down and watched him wander around the elevator.

The silver doors opened, and we rushed out. We had to hurry because I had stuff to do, and Eduardo and Emilia had to go to bed.

We reached our hotel door, and I took out my key card from my pocket and unlocked the door. We went in, and I changed Wardo and put him to sleep in his little crib.

The door opened and Mum, Dad and Emilia came in. I put my finger to my lips and pointed at the sleeping Eduardo. Mum nodded and walked Emilia over to her bed and put her to sleep.

It was only 8:07, so I got changed into a Vidcon t-shirt, sweatpants, and my fuzzy white socks. I took my hair out and brushed it, then left it down. I took my make-up off, took my earrings out, and took my necklace and loom bands off and set them on my little bedside table.

"Mum, I'm heading over to the girls' room, okay?" I whispered to my mum, who was sitting on the bed on her phone.

"Okay, don't go anywhere else, unless you need space to practice the dance," she whispered back and kissed my forehead.

I smiled and headed out.

Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter! I've been working on it for 2 days straight :P

I have a question for you all:

What's your favorite type of video?

My answer: Hauls, Vlogs, Funny videos, Collabs, Lush hauls

I'm gonna be doing this because I wanna know more about y'all!

Bye bye y'all :) xx

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