Chapter 10- Annabeth

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Double digits!!!!! Woo hoo!!!!!! I am so excited, but I am bored (at the same time, ain't that funny)!! Hmm, anyone can recommend good things to do when your bored on the computer??? I will be so happy! Anyway when you search up house of Hades and go to pg 5 I am second!!! I hope I'm not that bad... AM I? 

Disclaimer: The caterpillars and I all wish that I owned PJO and HoO BUT (you must must be thinking"oh no there's a but") I don't.


P.S You are all amazing and I would like to recommend "the series of unfortunate events" to all of my amazing readers. If you haven't read it, GO DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Annabeth X

Annabeth felt glad that Percy had the trust in her to share his secret with her. They continued walking, and Annabeth couldn't help but feel like they were wandering aimlessly. The pain in her ankle had almost stopped after eating so much ambrosia. She felt slightly feverish, but that was probably from having too much nectar and ambrosia. Finally, Annabeth and Percy stopped for a break.

"I'm starving!" Percy complained.

"Me too. Do we have anything in my backpack?" Annabeth asked.

Percy zipped open the backpack and peered inside. "No" He sighed. "I wish we knew we were going to Tartarus. We would have atleast packed!"

"If I knew I was coming to Tartarus I would immedietly have cut the line." Annabeth said, regretting her decision.

"It wasn't your fault, you didn't know. You had enough problems with Archane" Percy said reassuringly.

"Speaking of Archane, she should be down here with us." Annabeth remarked.

"Your right, I should be" A voice behind them growled. It was the last thing Annabeth wanted to see or hear. Percy and Annabeth spun around to find Archane, glaring at them.

"No way!" Annabeth almost fainted. She wondered how she would trick Archane, but this time Archane wasn't going to sit around making tapistry.

"Army, step forth!" Archane barked. Atleast a hundred monsters emerged from the shadows behind her.

"How about you handle the monsters, and I take on Archane?" Percy suggested.

"Works for me" Annabeth said grateful she didn't have to deal with her biggest fear, espically in Tartarus. She charged forward, dagger in hand and slashed through every monster she could. But eventually, she would run out of energy and wouldn't be able to fight.

"Annabeth!" Percy said. He was running towards her with Archane on his tail. "Run! We have to find a hiding place. We can't hold them off forever!"

Annabeth had to agree. She turned and started to sprint as fast as she could. She looked behind and found Percy running behind her, protecting her from monsters that attacked. Suddenly he looked horrified. Annabeth felt pain exploding in the left side of her stomuch. When she looked back, an Empousa held a dagger in Annabeth's stomuch. The Empousa pulled the dagger out, and it was dripping blood. Her blood. Suddenly something slashed the Empousa to the ground. Her vision blurred as Annabeth sunk to the ground.

Gaea had been right. There was no way that Annabeth had ever had a chance in Tartarus in the first place. Her destiny had been decided, she would die there that day. She barely felt Percy picking Annabeth up and running.

Percy stopped. He set Annabeth on the ground. Annabeth didn't know how she was still alive, but she realized she was hanging on for Percy. Annabeth felt something cold being dumped on her injury and she held her breath. It burned, and Annabeth tried not to scream in pain.

"Stay with me!" Percy murmered. Annabeth realized he was applying nectar, and he was trying to dress the wound like she had once taught him. Annabeth smiled at the memory but then whimpered in pain. It was getting better, but it was far from completely healed.

Suddenly sounds of battle came from somewher close by. Percy muttered a curse and picked up Annabeth and ran. Suddenly Percy stopped.

"No, not now!" Percy exclaimed in desperation.

He set Annabeth down and she saw Percy staring at a wall. They were at a dead end, and an army of monsters wasracing towards them hungry for death. Percy turned around backed up against the wall right beside Annabeth. Suddenly the wall opened up behind them. Percy looked confused, but then quickly picked up Annabeth and ran forward. The wall materialized behind them, blocking all chances that they could escape that way.

They had one choice, forward.

So, tell me, did u like it? Well if u didn't then why are u reading it? Huh? Huh? ok sorry about that. Anyway tell me, what should i improve on and what should I keep up?

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