Chapter 20- Percy

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This has to be a chapter on Argo II. I don't want to do one on Argo II, I wanna keep you in suspense about Jason's death.

But that will probably get me killed.

Whatever, I'm doing a Tartarus chapter. Let's see, Annabeth or Percy? An epic fight scene or an encounter with Gaea?

How about both? :) This Percy, and next Annabeth. (HA you don't find out what happens to Jason)

(Hopefully this will make up for the death of Jason Grace). This is second update in a row(day).

Now, you may skip the next paragrah if you want.

OMG 20 chapters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Tear* Let's see: 2,057 reads, 25 votes, 32 comments, and 6 followers. I realllllllllllllly appreciate it, like honestly. You guys are too awesome for words. 

(BTW, I don't care about grammar in my author's notes, so don't you go pointing it out and be EZ[Don't make me explain what EZ is, it can be good sometimes, and bad other times])

Woah, there hasn't been a percy chapter since chapter 11!!!

This author's note is getting too long, and I better get to the story quick. *gulps at murderous looks*


Percy XX

Percy followed Gaea down a long hallway. It was dark and dimly lit. Percy could barely see what was infront of him.

Percy didn't care what Gaea was going to do with him. He was only worried about Annabeth. He couldn't forget how she had cried in pain, and the pained face.

Gaea stopped at the end of the hallway. The heavy gates opened and Gaea stepped. After hesitating a moment, Percy followed as well.

"What do you want with us?" Percy demanded.

"I think you know." Gaea replied.

Percy sighed. "Why are we here?"

"I will do the talking." Gaea said.


"That wasn't a question. Sit."

"On the floor?"

"I said SIT!"

Percy sat on the floor, feeling uncomfortable.

"Percy Jackson, son of Posideon, afraid of drowning." Gaea said.

"How do you know that?" Percy snapped.

"I know everything. I've been in your minds, all of them." Gaea replied, smirking.

"What?" Percy asked, shocked. Gaea knew everything. That meant all of the demigods secrets were known by Gaea, all their weaknesses.

"Don't be so surprised Perscy Jackson." Gaea said. " After I conquer the world, I'm going to keep you and the daughter of Athena, daughter of Aphrodite, son of Jupiter, and the son of Haphaestus to torture. And I will use their fears to destroy them. It-"

Gaea was interupted with a scream. Annabeth's scream. Percy's heartbeat quickened."What are you doing to Annabeth?"

"It's not important.-"

"Yes it is!" Percy yelled. Percy drew his sword.

"You won't be able to defeat me." Gaea said. But fear was shining in her eyes.

"What's wrong? Scared?" Percy taunted.

Gaea didn't reply. Annabeth screamed again, making Percy angry.

Percy ran forward, but Gaea suddenly disappeared. Percy looked around, and when she didn't reappear, Percy ran out of the room.

Percy found Gaea's actions strange, but he had no time to think about that. He had to find Annabeth and save her. A couple monsters challenged Percy but he destroyed them with ease, and continued.

He turned countless corners and ran down so many hallways that Percy started to get confused. Every second he didn't find find Annabeth, he got even more worried.

"Where are you, Annabeth?" Percy asked aloud.

There was no response.

Percy sighed, and continued to search.

"I have to find you, Annabeth, and I promise I will." Percy said, and turned into the next hallway.

Ok, so that wasn't a major cliffy. Just a little one.


I'll update again today (If I can)

There, now I don't care anymore If I make up for Jason's death.


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