Chapter 4- Piper

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Hey readers! What's up? I've got 19 reads! Yeah! So this will be Piper's POV. Imagine how scared and freaked out she will be because Jason's is hurt. Ok, don't forget to review and comment!!!!!!!

Disclamer: ...Zzzz....Zzzz...Don't own any characters...Zzzz...Zzzz...Everything belongs to Uncle Rick...Zzzz...*SOB*



Piper IV

Piper took a step back, shocked. A replay of the moment went through her head, sending shivers through her body. She dropped to her knees and cried "Jason!"

"Piper! We need some help!" Leo yelled, throwing flaming hammers at the dragon. Piper called to Coach Hedge who came trotting over.

"Go." Coach said, already beginning to tend to Jason. Piper drew Katoptris, which she hadn't done in a while. She was too afraid it would give her a vision, a vision that terrified her. But right now she was too angry to care. The dragon had messed with her boyfriend, and now it was going to pay. She had to come up with a plan, but fast.

Hazel's spatha shone as it struck the dragon, over and over again. Her technique was flawless, except for the fact that the dragons scales were practically indestructible. Leo's fire spread across the Dragon, but it died down only seconds after it was lit. Nico's black sword was barely visible as it tried to pierce the armour. Piper knew that Nico was an experienced fighter, his attacks quick and would have been harmful, if not for the armour. Frank was shooting countless arrows at the dragon's eyes, but they just seemed to annoy the dragon more than harm it.

"I've got a plan!" Piper yelled, but Frank was the only one who could hear her.

"Launch me inside of the Dragon's mouth. It's got to be it's only weak spot, and the only way to do that is for me to get inside." Piper explained.

"Even if that's the only way to defeat the dragon, we can't just sacrafice one of the Seven." Frank said, grimly considering their options.

"But there's no other way! Besides, I'm the weakest out of everyone, and no one would even notice me gone!" Piper exclaimed.

"Don't say that, Piper! You're really strong!" Frank exclaimed. "I can just shoot arrows in to his mouth."

"That won't work. Please, Frank. Everyone is going to tire out soon." Piper pleaded. Frank took a deep breath, then changed into an Eagle. He gripped her shoulders with his talons, carrying her up to the mouth.

"Get the Dragon to open his mouth!" Piper yelled, her voice ringing down to her friends below. Nico and Hazel charged, Nico leaping off the ship and Leo giving him a little push with his fire. The flying Nico distracted the Dragon and tried to bite him. The moment it opened it's mouth, Frank launched Piper into the Dragon's mouth, her dagger practically glowing as she embeded it into the Dragon's throat. It screeched in agony, Piper nearly going deaf with the loud sound. Piper gripped Katropis tighter and pushed it further into the Dragon' throat. Finally, she felt the Dragon falling and smiled in satisfaction. She had gotten her revenge, even at the cost of her own life.

Determination burned inside Piper, to live, to survive and to see Jason again. Piper pried the Dragon's mouth open, and slipped out of the mouth, nearly losing grip on her dagger. She gripped the Dragon's scales and pushed herself up, seeing the Dragon's huge eyes, glaring at her. Piper's heart stopped for a moment, making her stumble back a few feet. A few feet too much, as she lost her footing and tumbled in to the deep blue sea below.

I feel like ending it here but it would be too short of a chapter! Btw, this is where Jessica comes in. Read on!

Piper got up, dazed. Her head hurt and her wrist was burning with pain, but otherwise she felt okay. What happened, Piper didn't remember. She knew she needed to get back to Jason.

She was in a cave that was dimly lit by candles, their light casting flickering shadows on the walls. Piper went into full alert mode and scanned her surrondings for danger. No one was there. Still unsastified, she kept her guard up, ready to spring at any moment.

She had been resting on a wooden cot. There was a small pot on a table infront of her, Katopris lying right beside the pot. Relieved at the sight of her dagger, she picked it up, feeling the familiar feeling of her hand closing around the hilt.

She knew she had to check for Annabeth and Percy but more importantly she had to try to see Jason. Sighing, Piper looked at the Celestial Bronze and concentrated.

Piper saw Hazel and Nico on the Argo II staring down into the water. Hazel had tears in her eyes, Nico sadly watching his sister's expressions grimly. Then she realized why they were sad. They thought Piper had been eaten by the dragon.

"Piper." Leo muttered, fiddling with the scrap pieces. Then Piper saw Coach Hedge walking towards the rooms and the vision follwed him. The satyr opened Jason's room door and his expression saddend.

"Hey kid, have some soup, it'll heal you." Coach Hedge said putting a bowl on Jason's night table. Jason looked terrible. His arm was in a cast like thing. But he didn't seem sad or grieved that Piper wasn't there. He just looked angry.

Tears welled into Piper's eyes when she saw Jason hurt, and determination burned inside of her.

Piper got up and walked as silently as she could with Katopris drawn, providing light. Walking out of the cave, she blinked at the sudden light until her eyes adjusted. The sand below her feet was a peachy white, soft and comforting. The sea washed up against shore, colliding with some rocks but creating a beautiful sound. The island was beautiful, an eternal paradise.

Piper noticed a girl with chocolate-colour hair, carefully tied into a bun. Piper hesitantly approached the girl, afraid that the girl was a monster.

When the girl turned around, she seemed regular. Her blue eyes seemed sad, but they held hope. "Hello, demigod. I am Jessica."

"Who are you?" Piper asked, keeping a firm grip on her dagger.

"I'm a daughter of Hermes. I have never seen another demigod before, I was so surprised when you came tumbing out of the sky." Jessica said, staring up at the blue sky.

"So you're not a monster?"

Jessica laughed. "No, I am not."

"So, where's your mom? I mean, you are a daughter of Hermes right?" Piper asked.

Jessica's smile dropped. "I am. My mother left me here, six years ago. I've been waiting for her to return, but I don't think she will come back now. It's been too long. I'm living on hope, but I don't know for how long I can continue."

Piper stared at the girl, looking at sea sadly. She was waiting for a day that would never come, a mother who would never return. Piper felt sorry for the girl, but demigods lives were like that.


Piper extended a hand, introducing herself. Jessica's smile returned and she shook Piper's hand. 

Staring at the sky, Piper explained her life to Jessica. She told everything, from her dad to Jason to this quest from Hera. 

The island shook, interupting Piper just as she was about to finish her life story.

"Something's here!" Jessica announced, panic clearly visible in her blue eyes.

Yeah! Last I checked I have 26 reads. Sorry I left at a cliff hanger. Keep reviewing an commenting plzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh and you must be wondering why I write caterpillar at the end of the authors note. If I didn't the caterpillars would be angry with me...

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