Chapter 11- Percy

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OMG!!!!! Two ones! Ok so yesterday was a bad day for me, and I have this really awesome friend that helped me feel better! She's awesome! So after reading this chapter if you have a friend that is always there for u, text/call/tell them thank you for being awesome!!!!!

Anyway, today I recommend the inkheart series! It is amazing!!!!! I read much better then I write just saying so u might want to check it out!

Disclaimer: ... ... ... ... I can't think of disclaimer but u all know that I'm obviously not Rick Riordan.


Percy XI

Percy had trouble breathing. Annabeth had been stabbed by a stupid Empousa.


Annabeth was running away from the monsters. Percy was keeping a steady pace beind her. A young cyclopes aproached Annabeth but Percy quickly sliced it down.

Annabeth turned to look back at him, she was smiling when she saw him protect her. Suddenly an Empousa landed infront of Annabeth with a dagger. Percy tried to yell at Annabeth to move but he found himself frozen. He watched in horror as she got stabbed.

Percy found himself being taken over by rage and took down the Empousa easily. Annabeth melted to the floor. Percy picked her up and began to run.

End of flashback

Annabeth was getting heavier by the second and Percy's arm was killing him. Archane had left a brutal gash and blood was soaking his shirt. He was lucky Annabeth didn't notice or she'd go crazy with concern.

Finally, when he felt certain that the monsters couldn't catch up, he stopped to catch his breath. Annabeth looked worse than before. Percy had fixed the wound as much as he could but she still looked bad. Percy couldn't risk feeding her more Ambroisa.

Annabeth had stopped hyperventilating and her breathing was steady. Suddenly, she stirred.

"Annabeth!" Percy said in relief.

"Water" She croaked.

Percy fumbled through her backpack and pulled out her waterbottle. She chugged down the entire thing.

"How are you feeling?" Percy asked, checking her forehead. It was burning. He immediately removed his hand.

"I'm fine" Annabeth sighed. It looked like every breath she took hurt.

"You've got a high fever! You are not fine!" Percy exclaimed. Percy cut off a piece of his shirt. He folded it up and made it get wet. He put it on her forehead.

"Where did you learn what to do when someone has a fever?" Annabeth asked teasingly.

"In medical class at camp." Percy said, hurt. "I do pay attention!"

Annabeth smiled and then noticed turned on her side. She winced, her face tight with pain. She looked at his arm and gasped. "What happened?" Annabeth demanded.


"Nothing, I'm fine." Percy responded cautiously. He knew how Annabeth could see right through him and he didn't want her worrying about him when she was already burdened with so much.

"Percy Jackson! You go and put nectar on that right now!" Annabeth commanded.

"No! I've got to save it for you." Percy replied.

"Fine then I'll have to do it for you." Annabeth said. She pushed herself up, wincing.

"No don't! Ok fine! I'll do what you say" Percy said annoyed. Annabeth eased herself back on the ground.

Percy poured a drop of nectar onto his cut and almost screamed in pain. It started to work, the blood was stopping and the pain had almost died away. He found quickly tied cloth around it. The cloth turned red within seconds, soaking all the blood.

Annabeth was watching him contently, when she let out a little scream. Something hit him on the head hard and Percy blacked out.


Percy was in a dark room. He could make out a figure sitting on a small throne. Some cyclopes stepped in the room.

"Milady, we have the sacrifices. What should we do with them?" One cyclopes asked. He was much bigger than the rest and he was more muscular.

"Nothing yet. We need them for my rising." The figure replied. Percy knew that voice well. It taunted him in his dreams, made his life impossible, and was the reason why they were in Tartarus. Gaea.

"Are you sure? Because we could-"

"I said no!" Gaea yelled at him. The cyclopes stepped back quickly. She sighed to calm herself down. "Just bring them to me, I've got great plans for them." Gaea ordered.

"Yes mam." The cyclopes said quietly.

The dream changed.

Percy was on the Argo II. He could see Piper, Jason, Leo and Frank. They looked tense.

"Come on, everyone out of here!" Jason yelled. No one moved. Leo was staring at some wires in his hand and Frank was horrified.

"Jason's right, let's move." Piper said, her voice shaky. Suddenly, he heard a loud banging sound and everything went black.


Percy bolted up. He was breathing heavily, like he just ran a ten mile marathon. Percy was in a prison. Long iron rods stopped surronded him.He felt like he was bird in a cage. A very dark cage.

"Percy?" A voice asked.

It couldn't be. "Annabeth?"

"Your awake! Look Gaea's got us!" Annabeth said.

"I know. I had a dream." Percy replied.

"What happened?" Annabeth asked. It was almost as if she didn't want to know, and like she was afraid to know.

Percy explained his dream quickly. When he was done, there was only silence.

"I hope they're ok" Annabeth whispered.

"Well you're not going to be, get up! Gaea wants to see you!" Something yelled.

Percy's heartbeat quickened. They were going to see Gaea.

Why do I leave it at cliffhangers so much you ask? Cause I FEEL LIKE IT! And they're fun. Anyway, I hope u enjoyed and sorry this chapter was short and kinda stupid. Atleast I updated quickly!



No, okay.....


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