Chapter 27- Piper, Thalia, Leo

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Lindsey just blew my mind.

i was having writer's block, and she just gave me a whole summary like it was nothing.

Now i have like fifty billion ideas in my head.

She's just so amazing.

Lindsey: I know I am *flips hair back*


Lindsey: Because I'm that awesome.

Me: That's not even a proper answer... 

Lindsey *muches on a cookie*

okie, that was random, it's dedicated to her, i'm sure you get my point


1. Piper XXVII

Ever since Hazel came back, there was an uneasy feeling in the air. The news of Frank's betrayal was shocking, and now that they were so close, everyone seemed torn. 

Hazel especially.

Piper had been sitting on deck, the following day, staring down at Greece. It was their second time being here, and Piper was being very cautious.

"Fellow Demigods. Come to the upper deck unless you want Coach to drag you." Leo said over the announcements.

Piper didn't move, since she was already at upper deck.

All the other demigods came scrambling up the stairs, even Hazel who had recovered so fast it seemed like a miracle. It was like something magical happend last night. Arochnalia, who couldn't be hit, came up the staris causually.

Coach came behind, looking pleased that everyone was so terrified of him.

Leo cleared his throat, and began. "We'll be at Epirus soon, maybe another hour. Festus has already told me a good spot to hide the ship, in case some monsters decide it's food."

Leo stepped down and Arochnalia took his spot. "The journey through the Doors of Death is extremly horrifying, I can't explain it and I don't want to." Arochnalia began, closing her eyes. "The Doors of Death are open only a bit, yet so many monsters have already passed through. Gaea plans on opening them full, until people who venture close enough will just fall right in, sucked in by Tartarus. I've been there, sometime ago, and there were only a couple monsters then. But Gaea was supposed to start lining up the monsters around a day ago, meaning the army is waiting for you to come. It will be very easy to get into the Doors of Death, but getting out, not so much."

An anxious murmer spread through the demigods, but Nico raised his hand and silenced them. "Hazel and I can lead you through the House of Hades. I've seen the army Gaea planned on using," Nico paused to stop his voice from shaking, "And it's not good news. I think Porphyrion is going to be there."

Nico's words hung in the air. Piper shivered as she remebered the giant, and as she looked around and everyone looked as scared as ever.

"It will be fine. We'll make it, and so will Percy and Annabeth." Piper said, forcing charmspeak into the words.

"Thalia." An unfamilliar voice called from behind them. Everyone whipped around but it was only an Iris message.

"Phoebe. What's happend?" Thalia asked, suddenly becoming very leader-like.

"We need your help, and that crazy goat, Glemin Hughe too." Phoebe sighed, looking very tired. Her hair was a mess and her arm was bandaged. She had a thin scar running from her eye to her jaw and some cuts and bruises, and looked worn out.

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